The FALL of the WEST and why the world’s economic future belongs to China, Russia, India and Iran


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

Introduction: This one chart explains what’s happening in the world today, as the collapse of the West accelerates, and the rise of Russia, China, Iran, India and BRICS nations emerges. The chart is from the book, “Why the West Can’t Win” by Fadi Lama. I interviewed this extraordinary author today, and the interview is linked and embedded below. His rigorous, data-driven analysis achieves mind-boggling conclusions about the direction of economic, military and industrial powers across our world, and the inescapable conclusion is that the West is finished. Obsolete.


The dollar will die, Western Europe will suffer economic and industrial collapse (it has already begun), and any nations foolish enough to cling to the dying corpse of the US Empire (Taiwan, Israel, Australia, Japan, etc.) will suffer devastating losses in economic, industrial, military, cultural and geopolitical power. This is a can’t-miss interview that gives you a suddenly clear perception of what’s happening in the world. With this knowledge you can “decode” the wars, sanctions and political games playing out in front of us all.

China’s electricity generation has now surpassed all the G-7 nations combined. All the “climate change” nations are sabotaging their own energy infrastructure, leading to a rapid decline in farming production, industry, military capabilities, small business growth and also population. It is the climate change cultists who are pushing national suicide while those nations that aren’t afraid to produce and use energy are rapidly eclipsing the West.

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The full broadcast: The fall of the West and why the world’s economic future belongs to China, Russia, India and Iran.

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In this Special Report on Brighteon Broadcast News, we explore how the financial oligarchy is impacting Western nations’ futures. We delve into the economic and military successes of China, Russia, India, and Iran while highlighting the challenges faced by Western civilization. Additionally, we discuss the decline of Western nations, led by the United States, due to obsolete economic and political systems.

Political issues in Austin, Texas, and Israel’s war crimes are also addressed, as well as Netanyahu’s alleged immunity and its implications for international law. The torture and killing of a Palestinian doctor in Israeli detention are further examined. We analyze the correlation between energy consumption and GDP in Western nations, along with the impact of energy consumption on their economies and societies.

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