‘The Blob’ is rapidly destroying free speech, free press, democracy itself


from WND:

Trump: ‘There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell’

Just days before the historic November 2016 election that, to the shock and horror of the Washington elite, made Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States and leader of the free world, the brash billionaire outsider spoke the most forbidden truth of all:

“There is nothing the political establishment will not do,” he said, “and no lie they will not tell to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.”

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Today, almost eight years later, as America approaches a truly life-or-death-of-the-nation election, it is beset with a raft of huge and almost surreal crises – including a full-scale foreign invasion across America’s southern border, intentionally engineered by the irredeemably malevolent Biden administration. Then there’s the unprecedented and nakedly illegal mass lawfare campaign against Donald Trump in an effort to take him out of the coming election and cast him into prison. And there’s the rampant inflation and rapidly degrading economy. And the skyrocketing violent crime in all our major cities. And the mass-hysteria transgender movement seducing countless kids into being grievously mutilated surgically for life. And most recently, there’s the explosion of anti-Semitism across the country, courtesy of rage-fueled Marxist activists who, while knowing literally nothing about anything, pretend to care about “oppressed” populations around the world.

But wait, there’s still more.

Although it has only recently become clear, another extraordinary secret revolution has been unfolding right under everyone’s noses.

Before we get there, stop and consider the bizarre reality that not only President Donald Trump, but tens of millions of decent, law-abiding, America-loving citizens who intend to vote for him this November, somehow inspire unending dread, fear and loathing throughout the Washington, D.C., ruling class. That would include not only the ever-more-deranged Democratic Party and the entire “mainstream media” (today a virtual clone of the U.S.S.R’s pretend “news” organs Pravda and Izvestia, which published only official government propaganda), but also the “Deep State” itself, the permanent federal government bureaucracy that remains – and grows ever larger, like “The Blob” in the classic horror film – regardless of which party is currently “in power.”

One key component of this gargantuan permanent bureaucracy, operating largely outside of public view, has recently been dragged into the light, exposing its hidden but central role in the censorship and silencing of all who oppose the Deep State and its increasingly totalitarian agenda. That highly influential entity, about which most people know very little, is the federal defense/foreign-policy establishment widely referred to within the Capital Beltway simply as “the Blob.”

Former Trump State Department official Mike Benz, who currently serves as executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, has turned whistleblower and dramatically gone public with exactly how the Western defense and foreign policy establishment has been turned against America, the Bill of Rights and democracy itself. It is a truly mind-blowing story.

This massive bureaucracy headed up by the Central Intelligence Agency, explains Benz, literally funded and developed the amazing technology years ago that enabled internet free speech, then encouraged dissident groups worldwide to use that new free-speech capability to organize and network with other patriots and help them overthrow oppressive regimes. So far, so good.

Yet incredibly, says Benz, the CIA has in more recent times turned against the concept of free speech – at least, when it comes to what it considers dangerous and subversive groups within America. Some of the most “dangerous” populations include conservatives, Republicans, constitutionalists, “MAGA” Trump supporters and politically active Christians.

One of the chief pretexts for this suppression of domestic speech has been the claim that supposedly subversive domestic groups and individuals were spreading “Russian disinformation,” which of course was a key focal point for the years-long near-destruction of Donald Trump’s presidency. As it turned out, of course, the claim that Trump “colluded with the Russians” was not only definitively proven to be entirely false; it was created (and the damning “Trump dossier” actually paid for) by the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, who actually did collude big-time with the Russians. Nevertheless, the claim that Donald Trump somehow had been ushered into the presidency by Russia – and the corollary accusation that virtually anyone defending Trump was a “Putin ally” – not only defamed, but destroyed, good people for years.

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