Stunning Moment That The Palestinian Battle Flag Was Taken Down As The Stars And Stripes Is Re-Raised Up Over City College of New York Campus


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The American flag was re-raised at City College of New York after anti-Israel protesters removed it and replaced it with a Palestinian flag at the Harlem Heights campus.

It has already gotten more intense than anyone thought it would go, and nowhere near how high things will likely go this summer as pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian rioters do battle with police in New York City and across the country. In a stunning moment yesterday at the City College of New York, police removed the Palestinian flag that was flying, trashed it, and re-raised the American Stars and Stripes in its place. This is the very definition of what takes place on the battlefield in war, and brother, we are at war.


It has been a long time since the war has come to our shores, you really have to go back to the War of 1812 for any meaningful incursion by a hostile foreign enemy. Yes, Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, but that was not on our mainland. The war I am talking about today is a war that has its roots in the Bible, a war that will reach its zenith in the soon-coming 7-year time of Jacob’s trouble. For the past month or so, we have been watching sprouting seeds of that coming conflict beginning to grow up into plants, taking place on college campuses all across the nation. It’s an election year, that means the coming GOP and DNC gatherings will be the perfect battleground for the pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel and anti-Jewish forces currently at work right now. These protests are not ‘organic student-led protest movements’, they are bought and paid for by George Soros and Friends, and launched for the sole purpose of tearing down the United States here during Barack Obama’s third term.

Cops raise the stars and stripes, toss away Palestinian flag in iconic moment after quelling City College pro-terror protest

FROM THE NY POST: Video from Wednesday morning captured members of the NYPD standing atop the base of the flagpole as they worked to remove the quad color flag, where they ripped it from the rope before tossing it to the ground.

“An incredible scene and proud moment as we have assisted @CityCollegeNY in restoring order on campus, culminating in raising Old Glory once again on their campus flagpole,” NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry wrote on X.

The American flag was subsequently raised back up during an impromptu ceremony along with a speech from Daughtry.

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