Soros and Rockefellers Fund Pro-Hamas “Revolution” on Campuses


by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

The increasingly violent and lawless pro-Hamas “protests” taking place at leftwing universities across America are being funded by billionaire George Soros and the Rockefeller dynasty. And according to the organizations involved, the goal is ultimately “revolution.”

A number of the key organizations involved in the chaos ripping across academia are on the Soros payroll. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), for instance, which described the October 7 terror attack by Hamas as a “historic win,” has received funding from a network of organizations funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations and others. The group’s members have been seen chanting “We Are All Hamas.”


SJP has been identified by Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs President Dan Diker as a “terror organization front.” Diker, who authored a report unmasking SPJ, noted that the group was founded by a radical professor who also founded a Hamas-affiliated organization and has called for “intifada” against America. SJP has hosted jihadists, Marxist-Leninist leaders, and even an attempted hijacker.

Another major group involved in the pro-Hamas activism on college campuses being bankrolled by Soros and other leftist mega-donors is U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR). The group, which pays “fellows” thousands of dollars and boasts of training them to “rise up, to revolution,” received some $300,000 from Soros in recent years. It identifies “capitalism” and “white supremacy” as underpinning U.S. support for Israel.

Also providing over $350,000 to USCPR in recent years is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. The tax-exempt fund, powered by massive oil wealth from the totalitarian dynasty, showers money on other revolutionary groups as well. These include the Sunrise Movement, which played a key role in the violent “racial justice” riots that destroyed billions worth of property (mostly owned by minorities) and left countless dead in the summer of 2020.

Of course, many of the students protesting and rioting have very little understanding of what they are protesting or why, as they have even admitted on camera. But those organizing and financing the rent-a-mobs and useful idiots have a much clearer vision: This is revolution, as spokesmen and leaders are openly claiming.

Some of the revolutionaries’ leaders have even openly discussed murdering “Zionists.” Columbia University encampment leader Khymani James, who uses the pronouns “he/she/they,” made a video urging viewers to “be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists.”

There are also well-trained experts who do this for a living and have been captured on camera giving the rioters instructions. For example, in this video, “professional protest consultant” Lisa Fithian — a staple at communist demonstrations for decades — can be seen guiding protesters as they destroy property and break into Columbia university.

This is not the first time Muslims and others have been used as useful idiots by well-funded subversives promoting revolution. In fact, according to Romanian KGB chief Ion Pacepa, who defected to the West in 1978, the mass-murdering Soviet regime sent thousands of KGB agents into the Middle East to radicalize Muslims against Israel and America.

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