by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

You might have noticed that in recent months and years there has been a gradual “uptick” in stories related to “aliens” and “extra-terrestrials”, including this not-so-surprising announcement from the Vatican of dubiously Catholic Pope Francis (article courtesy of someone who wishes to remain completely anonymous):

Why Has The Vatican Chosen This Precise Moment To Drop Bombshells About UFOs, Aliens, & “Apparitions”?


Now, don’t get me wrong here. I have no problem philosophically or theologically with the idea of “extra-terrestrials” or, indeed, other “intelligent life forms” in the universe. The latter has been a component of traditional Christian theology since the beginning, and a component of Hebrew theology longer than that. Most traditional Roman Catholics that I know have no problem with the idea of  angels and demons because it’s long been a component of traditional Roman teaching. Similarly with traditional Anglicans (if there are any left), Lutherans and so on. I rather suspect that what gives most people pause is when such pronouncements are made by people having no more genuine attachment to such traditions than the robes they wear.  It would be one thing for a Giuseppi Cardinal Siri, for example, to offer Catholic views on the matter, and quite another for a Teilhard de Chardin, whose traditionalism is, at best, highly questionable, to do so.  The discomfort for traditionalists comes not from the subject matter itself, but rather the perceived confessional orthodoxy (or lack thereof) of the individual doing the “interpreting” and formulating policies for response to the situation, should it ever arise.

In any case, there has been an “uptick” in such stories in the lamestream propatainment media lately. Think only of the recent articles in the New York Times or the Washington Post, or even the (entirely theatrical) Congressional hearings on the matter with a carefully staged-managed Grusch with a bevy of advisors sitting behind him to ensure he did not go “off script”.

From the outset of this uptick, I’ve been harboring this suspicion that “they” have been preparing yet another “narrative” or script, one perhaps offering vast technological wonders in  return for… well… we’ll get back to that, because I became even more convinced that my “prepping a narrative” interpretation of these “disclosures” might have some traction when I received various versions of the following story (this version was shared by S.D., but thanks to all of you who spotted it and brought it to my attention):

Scientists spot 60 stars that appear to show signs of gigantic alien power plants

The crux interpretum of this article is the possibility that scientists may have discovered some stars that show signs of being possibly surrounded by Dyson spheres. “What are Dyson spheres?” you may ask. Well, here’s the disturbing answer:

Seven of the stars — so-called M-dwarf stars that range between 60 percent and 8 percent the size of our sun — were recorded giving off unexpectedly high infrared ‘heat signatures,’ according to the astronomers.

Natural, and better understood, outer space ‘phenomena,’ as they report in their new study, ‘cannot easily account for the observed infrared excess emission.’

Ever since theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson first proposed the idea at Princeton in 1960, astrophysicists have speculated that advanced extraterrestrials might have constructed massive solar energy collectors around one star or more.

While powering their spacefaring ET civilizations, these hypothetical ‘Dyson spheres,’ would reveal themselves by radiating more heat than usual, the physicist argued.

And there, as they say, “you have it.”

There are two questions that this story implies: (1) Why is this disturbing? And (2) what possible use would such a story be to the proverbial “them” that run this planet?

In responding to the first question I’d remind readers of something I’ve talked about many times before on this website, and that I have mentioned in many of my books: the Kardashev Scale, and my own “Farrell Corollaries” to it. The Kardashev scale was a simple classification scheme invented by the Soviet astronomer Dr. Nikolai Kardashev to classify extra-terrestrial civilization types according to the amounts of energy they required to sustain them. A Class I civilization requires the energy of an entire planet, a Class II that of an entire star, and a Class III that of an entire galaxy of planets and stars. Notice that the progression is not linear.  In my own “Farrell Corollaries” I postulated that if this planet’s leadership class suspected it was dealing with any of these civilization types in recent history, what would it do to preserve the independence of this planet?  I argued that they would conclude that in order to do so they could not develop the technologies to consume those vast amounts of energy in a short amount of time and thus demonstrate “parity” with those civilizations. Indeed, I further argued that a Class III civilization would be unlikely to notice us at all, or if it did, that our primitive level of development would be unattractive to it for any contact. I thus concluded that any response our own planetary leadership would have to develop would be in response to a Class I or II type civilization. But again, from the end of World War Two until now, we are not even a Classs I type, much less a Class II. We might be on the cusp of becoming a Class I, but even that is debatable. So how does one establish or demonstrate to such a civilization our parity or near parity with it, and thus demonstrate an ability to defend ourselves and make any potential invasion very costly.

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