Pfizer Whistleblower, Melissa McAtee Says She Is NOT Suicidal


from ForbiddenNews Substack:


Melissa McAttee is a Pfizer whistleblower who worked in quality control at the vaccine plant in McPherson, Kansas, overseeing the production line as a product inspector. Pfizer fired her after her October appearance on Project Veritas.

Melissa is an unassuming, practical, deeply Christian young woman from the Midwest who is precise in her statements and who is also surprisingly commanding.

She made her findings known about the conditions at her facility in an interview with Veniamin, back in December 2021:


Running Time: 40 mins

Based on her own observations of the product and on the scientific analyses of doctors qualified to investigate this matter, she believes that 20% to 30% of the vials distributed contain toxic, deadly ingredients, including graphene oxide and the remainder contain an inert placebo.

She suspects that her plant was involved in producing the toxic vials, because all of the vials from her plant glowed blue with Luciferase under low light conditions. She believes that Luciferase is being added to the toxic vials in order to track the movement of the nefarious substances in the bodies of those unfortunate enough to receive the non-placebos.

“It’s alarming to me that they were planning for about, I think about 22,000 deaths in a couple of weeks’ time from this vaxxine. And it says that they projected that in nursing homes and it blows my mind and they are literally working with people that are called ‘ReCode’ and it’s called ReCode Therapeutic Medicine. But they want to tell you ‘It doesn’t touch your DNA.’

“In some of these documents, it says that ‘This mRNA enables permanent DNA editing.’ It says that!

“It’s all very alarming and people should be alarmed that they’re not being told these things. Because, it’s one thing that you hear these things and you know them and you choose to go do it. It’s another, when you don’t know what you’re signing up for to put in your body.

“In these graphene oxide emails that I have, that I found very disturbing…This woman reaches out to a couple of communication experts in the company and she says, ‘I trust that all of you are doing well. I’ve received a couple of inquiries the last two days, all wanting to know if the vaccine contains graphene oxide. One specifically asked, ‘If the PEG contains graphene oxide. These inquiries are from HCP and non-HCP,’ which I believe are people in the plant and not in the plant.

“And she says, ‘Does this answer to the question sound OK: A review of the ingredients list on the product label shows that graphene oxide is not part of the formulation; however, Pfizer does not specifically manufacture the COVID-19 vaccine to be free of graphene oxide. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that it is graphene oxide.’

“And they respond with, ‘Well, Politifact has issued a fact-check on this, so let’s just align with the statement.’

“Like, what? And then, the response says, ‘Hi, I just got confirmation that graphene oxide is not in the lipids or PEG,’ which, when I’ve sent that to scientists and other people in the medical field that understand that a little more, they’ve said that’s a strawman argument, it doesn’t need to be in the PEGs or the lipids. It doesn’t need to be in that, for it to be in there…

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