Pediatrician Blows Whistle: Doctors Get Kickbacks to ‘Vaccinate Your Children’


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A pediatrician has come forward to blow the whistle by warning the public about a kickback scheme where doctors are “paid to vaccinate your children.”

Dr. Paul Thomas, a celebrated Dartmouth-trained pediatrician, has revealed that doctors across the country receive a huge cash influx for making sure their patients follow the vaccine schedule as specified by Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration.

According to Thomas, a prominent pediatrician in Oregon, the kickbacks have become so systemic that doctors “cannot stay in business” if they don’t keep their patients fully vaccinated.


Dr. Thomas alleges that doctors are rewarded financially if they strictly follow the vaccine schedule dictated by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Thomas, author of “The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health-from Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Year,” said he refused to only follow the CDC schedule.

Instead, he gave parents in his practice a choice: Vaccinate their children on the CDC schedule, vaccinate more slowly by waiting for the child’s immune system to develop, or not vaccinate at all.

However, as more patients refused to vaccinate their kids, Thomas began to notice the financial impact on his practice.

“You cannot stay in business if you’re not giving pretty close to the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] [childhood vaccine] schedule,” said Thomas.

The doctor’s general pediatrics practice had 15,000 registered patients and 33 staff members.

After noticing the financial impact on his practice, Thomas and his staff conducted a thorough analysis of their billing records.

They examined the income generated from vaccine administration fees, markups, and cash “bonuses” tied to vaccination rates.

The results shocked him.

“We were losing … over a million dollars in vaccines that were refused,” he revealed.

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