Particles of Destruction


by Celeste Solum, The Tenpenny Report:

The UN, WHO, and WEF are preparing the world, as if they were tilling the ground, for the New World Health Order coming to you this May.  Do not misunderstand, this has been in the works for a very long time, officially since 2005.  This past week saw sweeping changes.

Biden Administration Announces Global Health Security Partnership with 50 Countries as Pandemic Accord Flails-AP

Biden is leveraging himself as the “Savior” for the next pandemic and this New World Health Order.


New Global Health Security Strategy  (64 pages)

This new strategy was truly codified on October 15, 2016 by Health and Human Services.  It was 88-pages and contained definitions and protocols for coming pandemics.  It is an official regulation and is the law of the land.  For case studies in the 2016 Proposed Regulations, they used Coronvirus and Ebola.

The ASAP Framework: A New Tool for Regulatory Agencies to Facilitate Adoption of Pandemic Approaches

Executive Orders on COVID-19 Pandemic Rescinded

All of President Trump’s EO’s for COVID have been rescinded.  Biden will now pen new EO’s lock-step with the UN and WHO.

Global Health Groups Propose New Terminology for Pathogens That Spread Through the Air

There is new terminology for the coming pandemics.  The nutshell version is extremely illuminating.

All particles will be considered INFECTIVE.  Consider the ramifications of this statement.  Yikes, think of those dust bunnies under your bed!

No longer will we consider the SIZE of the particle.  It will be forbidden to discuss whether it is atomic, dust, bacteria, “virus”, fungal, drop, or a wad of mucous.

No longer will we be able in free society to discuss the ORIGIN of the particle.  Is it human, animal, plant, bacterial, “viral”, fungal, synthetic biology, technological, geoengineered, extinct animated life, or even alien?

Let us deep dive.

Well into the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO and the CDC were reluctant to use terms like “airborne,” “airborne transmission,” and “aerosol transmission” to describe the spread of the virus through the air, while other experts used various definitions to describe the phenomenon, sowing confusion about how the disease was circulating.

A new report proposes NEW UMBRELLA TERMINOLOGY for pathogens that transmit “through the air,” which include not only SARS-CoV-2, but also influenza, measles, MERS-CoV, SARS, and tuberculosis. Source:  CIDRAP, WHO. 

Umbrella terminology refers to a word or phrase that encompasses a wide range of concepts, ideas, or subjects within a common category. It is a term used to describe a broad and general concept that covers various specific items or entities. Umbrella terms are often used in various fields, such as science, medicine, business, or marketing, to simplify complex ideas and provide a common language for communication.

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