One Health is embedded in WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty; it must be stopped


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

“Preventing” pandemics is one of the most lucrative areas in medicine. Sadly, this money has incentivised “preventative” research which frequently leads to disastrous leaks and suppresses effective solutions for the pandemics that emerge.

Covid-19 was handled so egregiously that it woke much of the public up to this grift and the pandemic-industrial complex is now facing an existential threat to its business model.

To address this “threat” the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) has covertly created a treaty behind the scenes which usurps national sovereignty and gives international health agencies terrifying control during “health emergencies.”


In the USA, a grassroots activist movement advocating for health freedoms has accomplished something remarkable in their fight to derail the WHO treaty and they need your help.

How We Can Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty

By A Midwestern Doctor as published by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Throughout covid-19, the more money countries spent complying with the WHO’s guidelines for mitigating covid-19, the more people died.1 Because of this, many countries in Africa had a covid-19 death rate which was less than 1%2 of that seen throughout the Western World.

Rather than admit this, the WHO is using those deaths to justify a horrific treaty that dramatically increases its power to control each nation’s pandemic response. Since its most evil provisions (e.g., complete censorship of dissenting voices and the promotion of dangerous bioweapons research that inevitably leads to catastrophic lab leaks) have been effectively concealed by the WHO, it is necessary to understand exactly what is in it so that we can stop it.

History of the Pandemic Treaty

Since the WHO aims to dictate how individual nations’ doctors practice medicine, this has required bypassing the normal democratic process – as the growing populist movements of many nations would reject the WHO’s edicts. As treaties may supersede national law, the WHO chose to push each nation into adopting a treaty that grants vast powers to the WHO.

This campaign began in November of 20203 at the G20, the annual gathering for the 20 leading economic powers, where a proposal was put forward for a “pandemic treaty” to ensure the nations of the world would handle future pandemics in an “appropriate” manner. A few months later, in March of 2021, citing the statements made at the G20 meeting, the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) echoed this call.4

Since that time, a series of policies and regulations have gradually been put together by the WHO, the UN, the World Bank, the US, the EU and other multinational organisations – with the assistance of other globalist organisations like the UN and the Rockefeller Foundation – to remedy the “deficiencies” in our pandemic response.

Those policies and regulations in turn are part of a “pandemic treaty” and amendments to existing International Health Regulations. By virtue of both documents being international treaties, they must then be obeyed by each signatory country.

The pandemic treaty hence contains a wish list of each thing the globalists have been working for decades to attain.

[Please note: WHO is attempting to have two instruments adopted at the next World Health Assembly meeting at the end of this month to implement its pandemic plans: Amendments to the International Health Regulations (“IHR”); and, the Pandemic Treaty, which has also been referred to as to as the Pandemic AccordPandemic Agreement and WHO Convention Agreement + (“WHO CA+”).]

Climate Change and Pandemics

Since the “war on climate change” and the “war on pandemics” represent two of the greatest sources of wealth and power for the global elite, a lot of work has been put into conditioning the public to be terrified of the existential risk each allegedly poses.

The Pandemic Treaty seeks to link both of these together by arguing that “climate change” is the root cause of the disastrous pandemics,5 and that this “problem” thus necessitates giving the globalists control over how we interact with the environment. For example, they argue habitat loss brings humans into contact with deadly diseases.

However, while this is a huge ecological issue, there is very little evidence tying it to pandemics,6 as outside of bio lab leaks, consequential animal-to-human disease transmissions are quite rare.

One Health

One Health began in 2004,7 at an international (globalist) conference where the idea was put forward that public health needed to be expanded into an umbrella which could control, and profit off, every aspect of our lives.

For example, “climate change” was folded into public health under the rationale that the dire environmental threats we faced necessitated making “ecological health” a core facet of public health. “One Health,” in turn, was merged with the notion that the problems we now faced were so complex that they should be decided by (corrupt) panels of multidisciplinary “experts.”

One Health is now embedded within governments and international organisations on every continent. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has a One Health office8 – as do many other US agencies such as the USDA,9 the Fish and Wildlife Service, the FDA and the NIH. Many other large international organisations (e.g., the UN, FAO, OIE, and UNICEF) and globalist groups (e.g., the Rockefeller Foundation10 and the WEF11) are also aggressively promoting the One Health message.12

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