Mexican President Calls for EU-style North American Union


by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

The United States, Mexico, and Canada should be united under a European Union-style transnational government, declared far-left Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador last month in barely noticed comments. The controversial remarks come as regional governments modeled on the EU proliferate and absorb once-sovereign nations around the world.

Speaking during an event marking the 110th anniversary of the U.S. military’s occupation of the coastal city of Veracruz, “AMLO,” as the Mexican president is known, called for the creation of a North American “community” with its northern neighbors. “Blessed Mexico, so close to God and not so far from the United States,” began López Obrador.


“The important thing here is how to strengthen that integration and commitment that is helpful for the two nations, benefiting the United States and Mexico to strengthen North America and subsequently strengthen the entire American continent, just as in the beginning the European community was created that later became the European Union,” continued the controversial Mexican leader.

Understanding Mexico’s body politic and the population’s historical concerns about possible American domination, AMLO offered obligatory lip service to preserving Mexican sovereignty and independence. However, his remarks and his touting of the EU as a role model made clear to those in the know that his vision would severely infringe on sovereignty, independence, and self-government across the continent.

“This is how we must integrate into America, that is what is best for the new generations, but we need a pact of mutual respect for our sovereignties, clear rules, because Mexico does not want to be a protectorate, nor a colony of any foreign country,” he continued, adding that the U.S. government offers “a lot of respect” to its Mexican counterpart and he hopes that will continue.

The explosive comments were widely reported in the Mexican press. But so far, there has been absolutely no coverage in the U.S. media, which historically has sought to ignore, downplay and even ridicule conservative concerns about the ongoing regionalization of governance in North America. The Canadian media was also notably absent on the story.

It is not the first time AMLO has used such rhetoric. In 2021, speaking at a Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) summit he convened featuring mass-murdering communist leaders such as the dictators ruling Cuba and Venezuela, the far-left Mexican leader also touted the EU as a model for integration in the Western hemisphere.

“We should build in the American continent something similar to what was the economic community that was the beginning of the current European Union,” said AMLO. “In these times, CELAC can become the principal instrument to consolidate relations between our Latin American and Caribbean nations.”

But, as this magazine has documented for almost two decades, the push to undermine national sovereignty in favor of an EU-style regime is already well underway. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was the first giant step. Among other concerns, the 1994 scheme created North American “tribunals,” regulations, and bureaucracies.

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