Mandatory LGBTism in Public Schools


from Moonbattery:

There was a time when subjecting children to perverted sexual material would get sickos thrown into prison or worse. But that was before they took over the schools and courts.

From wokefied Colorado:

On April 19, Campus Middle School in the municipality of Greenwood Village required staff to show a video and distribute worksheets and a list of activities encouraging students to participate in the LGBTQ+ “Day of Silence,” documents obtained by The Daily Signal show.

That is, students are compelled to undergo indoctrination to promote unnatural sexuality.


In a Day of Silence, created by LGBTQ+ activists, participants are encouraged to remain silent for the day “in solidarity” with those whom activists claim are “bullied,” “marginalized,” and “harassed” for being gay, bisexual, nonbinary, transgender, or another sexual expression that became trendy in the past decade.

The concept of the supremely privileged Alphabet People being oppressed by the culture that currently places them on a pedestal does not pass the laugh test. Shrieking that anyone suspected of disapproving of their revolting behavior is “bullying” them is itself bullying.

On April 12, one week before its celebration, Campus Middle School administrators notified staff that the entire school would participate in the solidarity event sponsored by the school’s extracurricular LGBTQ+ group, called the Campus Spectrum Club.

Having been sidelined by social engineers, parents were not told.

If you think you have a strong stomach, try sitting through the most nauseating song ever composed, reworked in the context of promoting sexual deviance to children. Be forewarned that I can’t promise the liberals don’t start fornicating in video below, since I couldn’t make it past the first 30 seconds:

To experience real bullying, try opting out of mandatory LGBTism. From moonbatty Maryland:

A divided federal appeals court on Wednesday rejected a bid by a group of Maryland parents to force a school district to allow them to opt their elementary school children out of being assigned to read books that include LGBTQ characters.

In the entire history of the human race, few would have guessed that government would one day require elementary school children to be indoctrinated to embrace perversion in opposition to the expressed will of their parents. Sodom and Gomorrah are the closest parallels the past has to offer to the USA under moonbat rule.

The parents, who are Muslims, Christians and Jews, argued alongside the parental rights organization Kids First that by not providing an opt-out option, the board’s policy infringed their religious rights under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.

Sorry parents. Even Muslims rank below LGBT militants in the progressive pecking order.

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