Kenyan doctor condemns WHO for sterilizing African women with vaccines


by Emily Mangiaracina, LifeSite News:

A Kenyan doctor denounced the World Health Organization (WHO) before Uganda’s president for being untrustworthy as shown by its African vaccination campaigns, including a Tetanus shot push that caused infertility in women.

Dr. Wahome Ngare, the director of Kenya Christian Professionals Forum (KCPF), warned President Yoweri Museveni in a speech posted online Tuesday, as the WHO was negotiating amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), that the massively influential global health body has a recent history of working against the best interests of Africans.


As a glaring example of this, he told how in 2014 and 2015, the WHO campaigned for the eradication of Tetanus in Africa, pushing a vaccine that, according to Dr. Ngare, made women “sterile.” He explained that the vaccine combined the Tetanus virus with a substance that produces antibodies against a hormone needed to maintain pregnancy, called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

“When we inject a woman with that vaccine, she produces antibodies against that hormone and therefore is rendered sterile,” Dr. Ngare noted. A paper has been published in the journal Vaccine Weekly echoing the Kenyan doctor’s claim, asserting that “similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG” (to produce antibodies against the natural hormone) “have been uncovered in the Philippines and in Nicaragua.”

The article’s abstract pointed out that a former president of Human Life International (HLI) “asked Congress to investigate reports of women in some developing countries unknowingly receiving a tetanus vaccine laced with the anti-fertility drug.”

Dr. Ngare said he and other doctors in Africa have noticed increasing cases of young couples who appear medically “normal” but cannot conceive children, as well as couples who are losing as many as “three, four, or five” children before the mother can carry a child to term.

He went on to argue that another reason the WHO cannot be trusted is that it has proposed the vaccination of African children against malaria despite the fact that it is a “treatable disease.”

He pointed out that the U.K. “was able to eradicate malaria in 1921,” and the U.S. eliminated the disease in 1951, but the WHO has seemingly not yet worked out how to rid the African continent of malaria. Dr. Ngare argued that in fact, there is a natural treatment for malaria, found in the trees used to create quinine, which is known to treat malaria. There is further a plant, known as Artemisia annua or sweet wormwood plant, grown in Africa, that also treats malaria.

“One of our doctors in Congo wrote a paper that demonstrated how well the Artemisia tea worked and compared it to conventional medicine and even demonstrated it works better than conventional medicine. And two years later, his paper was pulled out. It was retracted. We do not need a vaccine for our children to treat malaria,” Dr. Ngare told Museveni.

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