Jews Are ‘Getting It From All Sides’ Now As Neo-Nazis Demonstrations Descend On Upscale Greenwich Connecticut Shouting ‘New England Is Ours!’


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Hitler-saluting neo-Nazis descended on ritzy Greenwich, Connecticut and chanted ‘Heil’ while doing a one-armed salute during a sickening display over the weekend.

If you are a Jew living in America in 2024, you are having odd, time-travel bursts in your mind carrying you back to 1933 at the start of the German Reich. Tens of thousands of college students all across the country are calling for an end to the nation of Israel, and shouting ‘Jews Must Go!’ Now in the wealthy enclave of Greenwich, Connecticut, neo-Nazis from the neo-Nazi group NSC-131 are taking to the street saying the same thing. It’s beginning to look like open season on the Jews.


As we said on the Podcast today, get ready for another ‘Summer of Love’ from the Far Left elements of America that will include and not limited to burning buildings, destroyed property, rapes, deaths, endless anti-Jew demagoguery, all of which supported by the Liberal media who will call it a ‘mostly peaceful protest’. The Jew in America in 2024 is right now feeling what Jews in Berlin felt in 1933, that’s why the smart ones fled to come here. But where are they supposed to go now?

Neo-Nazis salute ‘Heil’ in ritzy downtown Greenwich, Conn., in sickening display: ‘Hate from all sides’

FROM THE NY POST: Masked goons from the neo-Nazi group NSC-131 traveled from out of town Saturday to demonstrate outside Greenwich Town Hall, where they carried signs reading “New England is ours the rest must go” and “Anti-whites FAFO” — with the acronym standing for “F–k around and find out.” From there they marched in formation through downtown Greenwich, before assembling on a street corner with their vile banners while barking “Seig Heil,” flashing the Nazi salute and leering at passersby.

“Nazis showing up in Greenwich and yelling ‘Heil’ with their arms raised? Not supposed to happen in 2024,” a Greenwich resident and member of the local Jewish community, Jolie Goldring, told The Post.

“As Jews, we are literally getting it from every which way, shape and form.”

The Nazi group — a subsect of NSC-131 called the Peoples Initiative for New England — is dedicated to creating a “white homeland” in the Northeast and seceding from the rest of the US. Despite the menacing vitriol of the neo-Nazis, Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo said their appearance was protected under the First Amendment and that without violence or action, there was no cause to drive them from town.

“They did not break any laws, as abhorrent and disgusting as their message was,” Camillo told The Post, characterizing them as attention-seekers to whom the people of Greenwich must respond with the kind of civility of which such bigots are incapable.

“Had they crossed the line there, were there would have been consequences,” he added, noting that local police were aware the Nazis were coming, and monitored them throughout the rally.

For local Jews, however, such words of assurance have done little to soften the shock of what they saw — especially in light of anti-Israel protests and rising antisemitism in the wake of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

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