Israel, the Protests, and the Title VI Two-Step Part II


by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

“Squads to the left of me, RINOs to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”

So, yesterday I tried to parse the background of what the bigger picture is surrounding the activation of what are termed pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses around the US. From a broader perspective, especially when considering the cold, dead hand of Davos, they are as much anti-Israeli/US as they are rooted in empathy for the Palestinians.


Remember the first rule of geopolitics as expressed by the architect of the 20th, Winston Churchill:

There are no alliances, only interests.

So, when I look around this morning and see the huge push within the United Nations for a two-state solution in the Middle East, it pricks up my Spidey Sense in a way that I always listen to.

With that out of the way, let’s look at that bigger picture a bit and see what’s really going on with respect to our colleges and how the money is flowing into them, because it’s here that we may find a silver lining.

Let’s keep in mind at all times here, the goal is and has always been to undermine the US politically, socially, and economically. So, it is my job to be skeptical of what I’m seeing now.

It is becoming clear to me now that Davos’ plan is to split the world over Israel/Palestine using the UN as the ‘voice of reason’ for the ‘genocide’ in Gaza.  Europe has lined up fully behind this idea, but it’s being done to marginalize/neutralize the US/UK influence over the UN, setting the stage for a reformation of the institution with Europe and China at the helm.

The US leaving would be a good thing. It would end the threat of the UN. But this is now the openly declared part of the strategy.  Trump and the Neocon Congress (Israel) vs. Biden and the Europeans/RoW (Palestine) are just pawns in this power play.

To review: End Nation States. Default on the old system of the world. Transfer power to globalist institutions like the UN. Control all the on-ramps to civilization with a digital passport and fake money.

Do not be deceived by this.  These don’t give a single solitary fuck about the Palestinians. Never have.  They are a means to an end.  And the more Israel kills them, the stronger Davos’ position becomes.

And if you don’t like me pointing this out because you just want to feel good having your anger flow through you, tough shit. It’s what you pay me to do, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

With that out of the way let’s look at how the Congress’ brain-dead, knee-jerk reaction to these protests may have been a trap laid for these globalist morons, who are as predictable as the day is long.

So, what was actually passed by Congress in this Antisemitism Awareness Act. In short, it was a restatement of a Trump Executive Order banning Federal Government money to support anti-Semitism using Title VI of the 1965 Civil Rights Act as the justification.

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