Israel, the Protests, and the Title VI Two-Step Part I


by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

“Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right…
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”
— Steeler Wheels

Before I delve into what I think is really going on with the Anti-Israeli protests on college campuses I want to make one thing very, very clear:

I don’t agree AT ALL with what Israel has done in response to the October, 7th attack. I don’t agree with what Hamas did as well. Wholesale slaughter of civilians, by they Muslim, Jewish, Ukrainian, Russian, etc. is morally repulsive.

No “Ifs.” No, “Ands…” and certainly no “Buts…”


At the same time, I want to invoke what I wrote on the Gold, Goats ‘n Guns blog about the Ukraine war in June 2023:

The Brits need this because their centuries-long feud with Russia simply cannot end with a whimper in Ukraine.

The US thinks they need this because of the ridiculous Great Powers mind virus unleashed on us by our colonial “betters.”

Davos needs this because you can’t roll the world up into your total control if there are any great nations left.

When viewed through the lens of the power-mongers who unleashed this war I leave you with one last question.

What do you call a hundred thousand dead Slavs fighting over swampland?

A good start.

Going back to 2017, we talked endlessly on the livestreams about how Benjamin Netanyahu’s obsessions were setting up Jews to be the scapegoats for all of the world’s problems. He would get on everyone’s last nerve acting like he ruled the world and could make every major world leader dance to his tune because he had the big, bad US behind him.

You’ll note the same behavior from places like Lithuania, Poland, and France, by the way.

All that had to occur was for the curtain to be pulled back, the protection of Zionists and Zionism by our media be removed, and the scapegoating could begin.

The Nick Fuentes’ etc. would go from persona non grata to courageous truth tellers overnight. Or did we forget that guys like Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer weren’t real Nazis either?

I warned everyone right after October 7th that Netanyahu was operating under false pretenses; that the US would always jump to his commands at a moment’s notice.

He would be blind-sided by the simmering anger over our leaders sending our money overseas to defend his temper tantrums, while no money could be spared for us at home. And here we are with Speaker Mike Johnson now the most hated man in America for his staunch defense of Israel. For months I had to endure conservatives in Trump’s camp go after Ron DeSantis because of his support for Israel, and yet, here’s Trump at this moment in time calling for the death penalty for those protesting against Israel.

I wonder if Sundance will issue a mea culpa for participating in that psy-op. Trust me, I still breathe in and out normally between puffs off my cigars.

This anger at the wholesale slaughter of civilians for cynical geopolitical reasons is what is driving some of these protests, the organic part. There’s a real inorganic or “astroturfed” part of this grassroots movement against Israel.

To that end not that I don’t use the fashionable word “genocide” here, because 40,000 out of 3 million is NOT a genocide. It’s awful, it’s barbaric, but it’s not genocide. Genocides are mechanistic, procedural. What’s happening in Gaza simply isn’t that.

That’s hyperbole meant to elicit an emotional response and suck us into the psychological orbit of our oppressors. Remember folks, propaganda is thick on all sides of these conflicts. And it’s no different than what happened during the early days of the Russia/Ukraine war.

Ghost of Kiev anyone? Russia having ‘hypersonic’ missiles? Newsflash, all missiles are hypersonic.

It’s no different than the histrionics on display when anyone previously said anything remotely anti-Jewish. Then you could expect a call from the ADL’s lawyers. We lived with that nonsense for decades.

But, please don’t think for a second that that was some kind of prima facie evidence of a Grand Jewish Conspiracy. There are plenty of other groups who are just as protected as Israel.

Note how I’m not listing them here for the subtle rhetorical point.

I know the common refrain is, “Just look at who we’re not allowed to criticize and that’s who rules you.” And fair cop, I’ve used that one myself in times past. But as I believe I’ve become better at seeing things clearly I think the better observation is, “Just look at who we are allowed to criticize and you know who our rulers want us to hate.”

At this point I believe that’s the far more predictive filter through which to view the Overton Window than the former.

Those two groups right now are the US and Israel.

We’ll get back to being told to hate Russia later in the month after Putin makes a move on Zelenskyy.

When we take a hard look at the divisions on this issue there are important distinctions. Our college campuses exist in a reality that is far different than the anger in the heartland, who for the most part, support Israel’s right to balance the scales for 10/7. Their separate perspectives are the wedge narcissistic abusers use to set the two groups against each other for their gain.

The minute Soros and Davos turned the campus protests into the latest version of BLM in 2020 or Occupy Wall Street in 2008, we have a classic ‘divide and rule’ play by the usual suspects, regardless of the rightness of the cause.

Now Americans rightfully outraged by Hamas’ violence are pitted against the college kids rightfully outraged by Israel’s unacceptable response.

The result is even more divisions within a society being subdivided almost by the hour.

Now, ask yourself the most important question, cui bono? What’s the gain here and why?

Netanyahu is either a useful idiot or a complicit player. The Israeli majority (and the American one) that support his actions against Hamas have absolutely been pushed into the role of useful idiot.

Soros’ money still spends I guess.

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