If Gen Z Cannot Handle Basic Adulthood To The Point Where They ‘Freeze In Horror’ When The Phone Rings, And Are Scared to Check Email, They Will Never Survive When SHTF


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

In December 2019, ANP published a piece about how “higher education” aka American colleges were failing, not just because students needed safe spaces, trigger warnings, and coloring books and puppies when a conservative or pro-life speaker visited the campus, but because the universities were so derelict in their duty to prepare students for life after college, they needed “adulting 101 classes” after graduating.

Between snowflake parenting, and liberal activist college professors, graduates didn’t know how to handle finances, job interviews, shopping, eating, cooking, doing laundry or using basic tools.

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Granted, much of that was snowflake parenting, topped off by university professors failing students.

Jump forward a little more than four years, and believe it or not, things are worse. Gen Z, described as being 12 to 27 years of age, cannot manage basic adulthood at all.

This is from the Telegraph, a publication in the UK, but describes the Forever-children of the U.S., perfectly, which indicates that the problems being seen are global in some ways, although many countries wouldn’t tolerate what England and America, and a few others do.

Do you have a teenage daughter who freezes in horror if her phone rings? Is your son still living under your roof, aged 32? Do your student offspring now have so many unread emails clogging up their inbox (upwards of 40,000) that they’ve decided to abandon it, like spooked song thrushes deserting a nest of eggs, because it feels less overwhelming to start all over again with a new one?

Side Note: Gen Z can text like they were born to do it, using a phone to do so, but freeze when that same phone actually rings. Why the new phone releases are still called “phones,” is beyond me.

At 12 years old, it is common to not be ready for adulthood, they certainly aren’t near being one.

But 21 to 27? Heck, some of us were already raising a child by then, where fear of adulthood, or refusing to grow up, just doesn’t cut it when you are busying trying to raise a child and keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

Of course, being part of the UK MSM, much like American media, the Telegraph lays the blame on things other than educators and bad parenting, but rather “stratospheric rents, unobtainable deposits, a cost-of-living crisis and rising stress levels, a combination of poor mental health and strapped family wealth.”

Evidently we are supposed to ignore the fact that times have been more difficult, like during the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939. Or world wars, which caused conditions far worse than what we see today in most countries.

More from the Telegraph.

Instead their focus is inwards, so much so that a quarter of 18-to-34-year olds have never answered their phone. Why? Because apparently “it’s too much pressure”. The study, by comparison site U-Switch, also revealed that half of them regularly blanked calls from their own parents. And we are very often the ones paying for the damn thing.

This means it goes beyond just Gen Z, because at 34, they are known as Millennials, which were the ones we discussed in ANP’s December 2019 piece that were taking “adulting 101” classes.

Say what we will about Millennials, and believe me, we have said a lot, at least they knew they needed adulting classes, while with Gen Z, “if anyone dares bandy around the term “adulting”, their digital tribe will close ranks and reassure them that there’s no such word,” the Telegraph pieces says to conclude their piece.

So much for “children are our future,” because these Forever children, will always remain children because they cannot even imagining acting like adults, and are too emotionally stunted to run anything but their iPhones.

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