Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard Your Kids’ Health and Future


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • As people have become aware of the dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now
  • Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our children, as the indoctrination and brainwashing spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond
  • The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child development and brain development, and by not allowing proper brain development to occur, the school system impairs children’s ability to think critically

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  • Using medication to bring fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem
  • Avoid acetaminophen when sick. Acetaminophen depletes your body of glutathione, which you need for speedy healing

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: November 19, 2023

In this interview, Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Palevsky, a practicing pediatrician, discusses the impact that mainstream propaganda narratives have on our children, and why it’s so important to get your children out of the public education system. He also reviews some of the foundational strategies for staying healthy, and how to treat those dreaded childhood fevers.

Palevsky has been one of the medical experts speaking out against the COVID shots, but he was a pro-choice, vaccine safety advocate long before COVID. Clearly, the COVID jab is the most dangerous “vaccine” in history, but all vaccines are fundamentally flawed and come with risks.

Palevsky, who graduated from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, initially became concerned about vaccines in 1991, when the New York State Department of Health started to mandate hepatitis B vaccine for all infants.

“I had no comments about vaccines per se at that time,” he says, “but it just raised the red flag to me. Why are we giving a vaccine to a population that has never suffered from hepatitis B infections and where we can give the mother hepatitis B vaccine, or give the kid a hepatitis B vaccine if the mother was surface antigen positive?

So, this raised an alarm for me … We had never had a vaccine for an illness that didn’t affect the population we were injecting … [Then], in 1998, in the outpatient department of the hospital, a mother came to me and said, ‘Dr. Larry, did you know that there’s mercury in vaccines?’

I heard that information and I said, ‘Alright, what else [don’t I know]?’ And the ‘what else’ created the last 25 years of finding information that I would never have been taught in medical school or residency that directly opposed the narrative.

It didn’t oppose the science, it just opposed the narrative. And what I realized was, I was finding science while I was being opposed by consensus, and consensus is not science. And so, by 1998 to 2000, I found that the risks far outweighed the benefits and, by 2002, I decided that I would never offer vaccines again in my practice …

I could not in good conscience offer [patients] something that I had no knowledge about scientifically, and a lot of concern about scientifically, because there was no safety about it. There were no real studies done. The ingredients were unknown and filthy at best. And there were no good studies to demonstrate safety or effectiveness.”

The COVID Shot Debacle

While many doctors have lost their medical licenses for refusing to give vaccines, especially in the COVID era, Palevsky’s livelihood was never threatened in that way, probably because he doesn’t have hospital privileges, doesn’t use electronic medical records, doesn’t sell vaccines and rarely writes prescriptions.

So, there’s little in terms of track record of what he’s doing clinically, other than what his patients might have to say. He’s also not selling any kind of alternative to vaccination. And, since he hadn’t offered childhood vaccinations for two decades, nothing changed when the COVID jab came out.

“There were pediatricians around the country who called me out,” Palevsky says, “who are now probably eating crow because the evidence back then, when they called me out, was obvious, and the evidence now is even more obvious that this is a bioweapon, a murder weapon and not a shot that’s meant for health.”

Obviously, I couldn’t agree more. It’s a bioweapon, and it seems to be particularly pernicious to the young who have no clinical need for it. Children’s risk of dying from COVID is negligible, and that was clear from the start. The primary reason for jabbing children was to protect the elderly, which is completely unethical. Hence, children can only receive harm from the jab, and we’re seeing that in spades. Palevsky comments:

“I think the most heinous thing is that … the whole system has been gaslighting the obvious observations and experiences of most of the physicians and parents in the world who have woken up.

The first things we started to see were menstrual cycle changes, especially in women who had stopped menstruating. The most horrible thing we started to see was infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages. And then we started to see babies born with birth defects, babies born with strokes, with blood clots, with developmental delays.

We saw young kids with myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, pericarditis, inflammation around the heart. You saw kids who were dropping dead. You saw kids who were having neurological problems in addition to stroke. You saw seizures. You’re even seeing Parkinsonian-type symptoms in young adults. And again, the sudden death was amazing.

Heart attacks. And what’s most amazing is that the medical profession in advance started to prepare the public for heart attacks and strokes in kids. They started to approve medications ahead of time so that people were prepared to know that pharmaceutical medicine was available should your child have a heart attack.

So these things were normalized into the pediatric population and pediatricians were just accepting that neonatal ICUs could have stroke victims all the time. The other interesting thing was that in OB suites, we’re starting to see fewer and fewer kids being born, which was another sign of infertility. Nonetheless, all of it is being accepted as normal.”

COVID Jabs Opened Pandora’s Box

According to experts, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) appears to be primarily related to immunizations. After the release of the COVID jabs, we suddenly started seeing adults dropping dead for no apparent reason, a phenomenon dubbed sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).

Still, even though most of the SADS cases are happening among those who got the COVID jab, it hasn’t been causally linked. Curiously, between 2020 and 2023, SIDS rates actually dropped from historical norms, and Palevsky believes this is because many parents weren’t taking their children in for their routine primary care visits due to lockdowns and fear of going out in general.

One silver lining of all this is that as people have become aware of the radical dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots now. As noted by Palevsky:

“Once people who were never concerned about childhood immunizations started to realize that there was a concern about the COVID jab, it opened up a Pandora’s box. They not only started questioning the COVID jab, they started questioning all jabs.

And so, this COVID scenario has actually backfired for the American Academy of Pediatrics and standard Western medical care, because parents are more concerned [about vaccines] than ever. And I have seen an uptick in the number of patients who never questioned vaccines coming into my office because the COVID jab became a concern.”

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