by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:
- The Epoch Times sent a FOIA request to the CDC, looking to investigate a 148-page report on myocarditis after COVID-19 injection
- In response, the CDC sent a fully redacted copy, along with a second document that was “mostly redacted”
- The Vigilant Fox tweeted, “There’s obviously something very damning that they’re trying to hide”
- Project Veritas previously reported on leaked internal Pfizer documents that revealed Pfizer was aware that people who receive a COVID-19 shot are at increased risk of myocarditis
- One study found there were 71.7 times as many myocarditis cases among people who received a COVID-19 shot than among those hospitalized for COVID-19
People who receive a COVID-19 shot are at increased risk of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle,1 and pericarditis, which is inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states it’s “actively monitoring reports of myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination”2 and investigating long-term effects.3
The public deserves to know the truth about just how often myocarditis, which can cause heart failure, abnormal heartbeat and sudden death, occurs after a COVID-19 injection. However, the CDC isn’t willing to share this critical data. In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, the public health agency sent back a fully redacted document.
CDC Fully Redacts 148-Page Report on Post-Jab Myocarditis
The Epoch Times sent a FOIA request to the CDC, looking to investigate a 148-page report on myocarditis after COVID-19 injection. In response, the CDC sent a fully redacted copy, along with a second document that was “mostly redacted.”4
In a tweet that included an image of the blank document, Epoch Times reporter Zachary Stieber wrote sarcastically, “Excited to dive into a new FOIA on the CDC’s long-term study of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.”5 The Vigilant Fox added, “There’s obviously something very damning that they’re trying to hide.”6
Others also expressed shock and dismay that the CDC, which bills itself as “the nation’s leading science-based, data-driven, service organization that protects the public’s health,”7 would be so blatantly deceptive. Independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. tweeted:8
“The level of arrogance and contempt for the public in releasing a 100% redacted document is staggering. The CDC is thumbing their nose at the Freedom of Information Act. Without transparency, there is no such thing as democracy. When I’m President, the CDC won’t get to decide what the public can see. Everything will be out in the open, and you won’t need a FOIA request to read any taxpayer-funded data.”
It’s not the first time a government agency has tried to keep the public in the dark regarding COVID-19 shots. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Pfizer attempted to hide the COVID-19 shot clinical trial data for 75 years, but the FDA was ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas to release redacted versions of trial documents on a much faster schedule.
As part of the court order, 80,000 pages of documents related to the FDA’s approval of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots were released on June 1, 2022.9 Among those documents were case report forms revealing that deaths and severe adverse events took place during Phase 3 trials, but, as reported by Children’s Health Defense, Pfizer had “a trend of classifying almost all adverse events — and in particular severe adverse events — as being ‘not related’ to the vaccine.”10
120 FOIA Requests — Vaccine Data on 10 Million People Still Kept Secret
Lack of transparency is a common thread for all vaccines, not just COVID-19 injections. A U.S. Senate roundtable discussion, hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson, tackled the taboo topic — including why public health agencies have not studied the health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children — and have refused to make data on the topic available to the public.11
“They do not publish the results [or] let any independent scientist in to look at that information,” Brian Hooker, chief scientific officer for Children’s Health Defense, said. “They refuse to publish the results and they really know why. It’s because the bloated vaccination schedule is responsible and is, I would say, in part responsible for the epidemic of chronic disorders that we see in children in the U.S.”12
Hooker testified that the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to “report to Congress on the state of vaccine safety in the U.S. every two years.” However, he said HHS has “never submitted a vaccine safety report to Congress.”13
Hooker also reported that health agencies have data on health outcomes for vaccinated and unvaccinated children, but they refuse to make it public. The data, which includes close to 30 years’ worth of information on more than 10 million people, is housed in a database called Vaccine Safety Datalink.
Despite Hooker making more than 120 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and going through “congressional representatives to get the Vaccine Safety Datalink itself,” he says, “It is simply something that they will not do.”14 He believes financial conflicts of interest are the reason why:15
“CDC buys and sells $5 billion worth of vaccines a year through the Vaccines for Children program. They also spend half a billion dollars a year … advertising and through public relationship campaigns for vaccinations in general, as compared to a woeful budget of $50 million that is being used for vaccine safety every year.”
Hooker also wasn’t surprised when the CDC released the fully redacted document related to myocarditis and COVID-19 injections, describing it as “very typical of CDC as they have been lying and hiding since the Tuskegee experiment and before.”16 He stated:17
“Their relationship with the truth is dubious at best and they are committed to hiding the very obvious connection between COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis as they have from the beginning of the rollout of the vaccine.
The CDC knew of this connection as early as January 2021, just weeks after the release of the vaccine, and has never been forthcoming regarding it. It is criminal that they continue to defraud the American public.”