Democrats Are Getting Desperate


by Derek Hunter, Townhall:

Pathetic. Just pathetic. 

I realize that in today’s political environment, that word could easily refer to damn near everything. And, honestly, it should. The people, places and things in politics are just the worst; truly the worst.


It’s almost impossible to differentiate which is worse, they’re all just, well, pathetic. 

While I could cast aspersions across the entire political spectrum – lord knows there’s enough stupid, exploitative, opportunistic grifters on our side in elected office, on televisions and behind microphones – but no one appreciates the ugly truth reflected in a mirror, they’d much rather hear how age as impacted everyone else’s looks, not theirs.

Maybe another time.

Right now, I want to talk about this ridiculousness about the flag. 

How in the hell did the flag become controversial? 

The reality is that it did not, one side of the political aisle has lost so much of its mind that the thoughts they used to only entertain alone at night, are now the currency of their wing of humanity. Twenty years ago, hating the United States would’ve gotten you excommunicated from the Democratic Party. Now, it’s a requirement for membership.

Who attacks the flag? Democrats. 

It started with the Gadsden flag – Democrats declaredthe concept of “Don’t Tread On Me” to be controversial, undoubtedly because they desperately seek to tread on everyone. At least the Confederate flag was associated with something negative – granted, it was something negative Democrats did and desperately wanted the world to forget they’d done it. 

After burying their shame as best they could, they turned to shaming everyone else. Like the bad parent lecturing about how their kid isn’t allowed to smoke with a Pall Mall hanging out of their mouth, Democrats declared everything that wasn’t nailed down to be “extreme.” 

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