Congressional Criminality, Corruption & Treason Now On Super Steroids


from State Of The Nation:


The Capitol is our house — the people’s house.

The Capitol doesn’t belong to the U.S. Congress;
it belongs to We the People—PERIOD!!!

Those elected to the House of Representatives and Senate are only allowed to enter our house because we permit them to.


The Patriots who protested on January 6th went to the Capitol to hold their (Congress’s) feet to the fire.

Then the day was then taken over by a conspiratorial group of CIA operatives, COINTELPRO infiltrators, AntiFa disguised as Trumpsters, and BLM mercenaries.

Once the Capitol police waved the protesters through the barriers, Patriots got swept up into the waves infiltrators whose primary job was to make it look like a violent and dangerous insurrection, which it wasn’t.

This was all stealthily planned so that the Congressional challenges to the stolen POTUS election would be immediately stopped, which is what happened. Stopped it dead with a fastidiously orchestrated psyop that was aimed at the scared Congress who was ‘forced’ to flee.

This whole US Intelligence Community-directed black operation was designed to fabricate a patently false case for domestic terrorism against true Patriots who came to D.C. to monitor the treasonous actions of the U.S. Congress.

That said, We the People now know that the Congress is full of nothing but traitors to the Republic, coup plotters, seditious phonies and agents of foreign enemies.

Not only did many members of Congress conspire to outright steal the 2020 POTUS election, they worked very hard — in broad daylight since January 6th — to cover up their epic capital crime wave against the American people.

In light of these stark realities, We the People have every right to kick them all out of The Capitol.

Most of those inveterate traitors in Congress have proven themselves to be political prostitutes of the highest order.

There is nothing most Congressman and women will not do to knowingly and willingly betray the American people.

The historical facts (read: voting record) say that the vast majority of Congress are folks who are zealous political opportunists and long-term perfidious squatters out to enrich themselves at the expense of the taxpayers. Other are much worse than that as hardcore agents in the employ of America’s enemies.
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