CDC Caught Covering Up Evidence That Covid Shots Cause Death


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discovered evidence that Covid mRNA shots were causing deaths but chose to cover up the information to keep it hidden from the public, bombshell internal documents have revealed.

In 2021, CDC officials found conclusive evidence that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines had caused multiple deaths.

However, rather than raising the alarm, officials swept the evidence under the rug and publicly claimed that there was no evidence linking the injections to any deaths.


Leaked internal documents show that the CDC investigated soaring numbers of deaths that were reported among those who had received the shots in 2021.

By the end of 2021, officials had enough evidence to prove that the Covid shots were killing people.

Despite the shocking discovery, CDC officials have continued to claim that there’s no evidence linking the injections to soaring post-vaccination deaths.

During their investigations, CDC officials tracked down information on reported post-vaccination deaths.

They learned that myocarditis was listed on death certificates and in autopsies for some of the deaths, according to an internal file obtained by The Epoch Times.

Myocarditis is a heart inflammation that causes cardiac arrest, strokes, blood clots, and sudden death.

It is a confirmed side effect of the vaccines.

Myocarditis was also described as being caused by vaccination in a subset of the deaths.

In other cases, the CDC workers found that deaths met the agency’s definition of myocarditis and that the patients started showing symptoms within 42 days of a vaccine dose.

They also noted that the deceased displayed no virus-related symptoms, proving that the heart inflammation wasn’t caused by COVID-19 itself.

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