BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines,” says analyst


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Things are about to get really ugly across our land now that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” have had several years to do the damage they were programmed to do inside the bodies of the tens of millions of people who took them.

“Richard’s Substack” reports that an “onrushing death wave” is coming our way that will result in mass death, followed by mass destruction.

“Governments, public health ministries and Big Pharma are not talking about what is coming – because they are deeply complicit in despicable, genocidal crimes – but there are a number of prominent, world class, medical scientists explaining what is in the cards over the next few years: a tsunami of death, due to the billions of so-called Covid-19 vaccines that were injected into hordes of victims in countries all over the world,” the report reads.


Richard Sauder, who runs the site, linked to this article from Slay News citing Dr. Dolores Cahill, who says that everyone who got vaccinated for the Chinese Virus, at least with the mRNA (modRNA) variety, will be dead within three to five years, “even if they have had only one injection.”

Cahill, by the way, has more than 25 years of experience under her belt dealing with high-throughput protein array, antibody array, proteomics technology development and automation.

“The experience includes work on how proteins and antibodies can be used in biomedical applications, including in biomarker discovery, diagnostics and personalized medicine,” Slay News reported about Cahill, who works as a professor of translational science at University College Dublin School of Medicine’s Conway Institute.

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(Related: Did you hear that Pfizer just agreed, albeit quietly, to settle more than 10,000 lawsuits linking its Zantac antacid drug to cancer?)

Insurance companies going kaput from too many death claims

So many people are already dying that some insurance companies, including the well-known “gecko” insurance company that we will not name, which Sauder says “is in very serious trouble” and “swirling around the corporate failure drain due to the burgeoning death rate.”

If the gecko company is struggling to stay afloat, one can only imagine how badly all of its competitors must also be doing.

“Too many people are dying,” Sauder writes. “The normal actuarial tables no longer apply.”

In many ways, Operation Warp Speed threw a wrench into the current world order and its trajectory by taking out large numbers of people. Some of these people are already deceased while others are too sick to work, with their early mortality coming soon.

As the insurance industry collapses from all this, so will the global financial industry, of which the insurance industry is an integral component. What we are seeing, in essence, is a mass culling of the human “herd.”

“It appears that casket and coffin manufacturers, funeral homes, morticians, morgues, graveyards, cemeteries, backhoe operators and grave diggers, crematoriums and the like will have plenty of work – if they can avoid dying themselves!” Sauder says.

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