Bidenomics Has Made Fast Food a Luxury Item


by Rick Moran, PJ Media:

I grew up about 5 miles from the very first McDonald’s franchise store in Des Plaines, IL. That store opened in 1955, a year after I was born. Alas, I never visited that historic establishment because my mother insisted she could make better hamburgers than McDonald’s and why would anyone who loved food brag about how fast they cooked it?


The fast food industry thrived by offering edible food at low prices. And the food was delivered quickly, which made “fast food” an American staple. As women moved out of the kitchen and into the office, cooking for the family was an option, not a necessity. McDonald’s, Burger King, and the slew of fast food restaurants that followed were the perfect answer to harried moms who needed to give their kids a meal or singles who didn’t feel like cooking.

Since the food was cheap enough that families could eat at fast food restaurants two or three times a week, families saw them as a lifesaver. But inflation and the unionization of workers along with unrealistic state-mandated minimum wages have made fast food something it was never intended to be: a luxury item.

Biden’s bureaucrats would just as soon see fast food restaurants disappear. His National Labor Relations Board wants to destroy the franchise business model, which would ruin McDonald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and other franchise operations.

Their arguments are the food is unhealthy and employees are exploited. For all intents and purposes, this deliberate attack on fast food on several fronts has led to a smashing victory for the bureaucrats. Add a catastrophic rise in inflation and you have a recipe for disaster for the fast food industry.

A recent Lending Tree survey showed that 80% of Americans now classify fast food as a “luxury item.”

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