Biden White House considering welcoming Hamas-supporting, Jew-hating Palestinians to America as ‘refugees’


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Up to 800,000 have fled the war zone in Gaza

CBS News is reporting that the Biden White House is considering bringing tens of thousands of Palestinians to America as “refugees.”


This would be done under the Refugee Act of 1980 and include work permits, food stamps, housing assistance, free education for their children, along with a fast-track to U.S. citizenship, which can be accomplished in as little as five years. Refugees that arrive in the U.S. at age 65 or older qualify almost immediately for Social Security, even though they have never worked a day in their lives in this country or paid a dollar in federal income taxes.


U.S. Congressman Jamaal Bowman, Democrat from New York, is one of the point men pushing for this disastrous policy — the direct importation to America of what would mostly be terrorist-supporting, Hamas-loving, Jew-hating Muslims. Just what we need more of in this country right now, given the ugly antisemitism we’ve seen on university campuses of late.

But Congressman Bowman is very excited about welcoming 800,000 Palestinians into the already volatile mix in U.S. cities. We’ve seen what a powder keg America has become in the last few weeks as Hamas-supporting college students and professors have taken over campuses, beat up and intimidated those who oppose them, occupied libraries, etc. Watch Bowman make the pitch for Palestinian refugees being welcomed to America in an interview posted to X below.

This is nothing new. The U.S. State Department has been contracting with the United Nations since 1981 to ship foreign refugees directly into U.S. cities and towns. They fly them in from Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and many other countries, many of them countries hostile to America and Americans. Now they want to bring in the Palestinians.

They fly these refugees to America and other Western countries from UN camps all over the world, typically with little to no vetting, and they have a poor record of assimilation. As evidence of that, all you have to do is visit places like the Cedar Riverside district of Minneapolis or Hamtramck, Michigan.

Over the years, they have built up a Fifth Column of anti-American enclaves, nations within a nation, parallel societies. We already suffer from a lack of social cohesion in this country, some say we’re on the verge of civil war, and yet Congress is pouring gasoline on the fire by funding more resettlements of refugees from the Islamic world. All of this is documented, by the way, in my 2017 book, Stealth Invasion, along with the many violent crimes committed by refugees in America. No wonder the book was banned just over a year ago by Amazon. They knew the issue of Islamic refugees would be a hot button issue in the years ahead.

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