America Is Headed For A Civil War… Maybe


by Vince Coyner, American Thinker:

The 19th-century Prussian general Karl Von Clausewitz famously said: “War is not an independent phenomenon, but the continuation of politics by different means.” Or as we more often hear it, “War is but politics by different means.” Some predict that America is on the verge of a hot war. But while it’s true that our country is more divided than ever, it may not be as divided as the pro-Hamas, anti-American protesters hope.


War is what generally happens when two (or more) sides get to a point where they can no longer peacefully coexist with the current circumstances. America seems to have reached that point…

How does one know a civil war is coming? Have you been on a college campus lately?

2024 is an echo of 1968. Today, the ostensible catalyst for what we’re seeing on campuses across the country is the alleged Israeli “genocide” happening in Gaza. We’re seeing a virtual replay of the original “Summer of Love,” when entitled students took over campuses while feckless administration cowards fiddled while their schools figuratively burned. In ’68, the students were protesting the Vietnam War (they were really protesting the draft; the war was just the rallying point), and then, as now, Columbia was the epicenter.

Spreading from Columbia across the country, that summer protests raged. Chants of “Hell no, we won’t go” and images of Black Power fists were seen and heard on every nightly newscast. Today, the news and social media are filled with chants of “From the river to the sea,” images of Palestinian flags, BLM signs, and Antifa graffiti. Anyone not wearing a keffiyeh is being declared a “Zionist.”

The difference between 1968 and 2024 is that, back then, most of the country disagreed with the protesters.

In November 1968, Richard Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey in the Electoral College 301-191. Add to that the 46 electors that George Wallace took, and the country voted 347 to 191 against the Democrats (57% vs 43% in the popular vote). This was at a time when most Democrats were strongly anti-communist, and being pro-American was considered normal, almost required.

Today, we have a completely different landscape. In 2024, Democrats are virtually indistinguishable from communists, and being pro-American is seen as racist.

Hence, the college protests. They’re not just pro-Hamas; they’re much, much more. These protests are very much a reflection of their time given the seemingly mainstream nature of the beliefs that power them. They’re at their core not just anti-Israel, they’re antisemitic, they’re anti-American, anti-Western, anti-capitalistanti-police, and of course, anti-white.

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