Waving the Ukrainian Flag of Surrender


by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

Hitting another new low

The other day, to celebrate one more atrocious piece of legislation that slapped average Americans in their already battered faces, members of your Congress waved a flag in celebration. Well, that’s par for the course, you might say. After all, our “representatives” love to cloak themselves in false patriotism.

But they didn’t wave the American flag. Old Glory. The Stars and Stripes. The one that once still waved over the land of the free and the home of the brave. By the way, the guy who wrote our National Anthem, Francis Scott Key, would probably have reconsidered his own patriotism if he’d lived to see his grandson imprisoned by the tyrant Abraham Lincoln. No, our “representatives” were waving the Ukrainian flag. It’s the most popular flag out there. Well, the LGBQT+ model is pretty chic as well. The last known Americans to be waving an American flag in the Capitol are now sitting in prison, victims of the draconian January 6 political prosecutions. Don’t even ask what happens to anyone daring to wave a Confederate flag.

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I saw one photo of a couple of blonde bimbos (yeah, I’m sure that’s a hopelessly sexist term now, but I’m just an old White guy), who were hamming it up in a shared selfie, with the Ukrainian flags waving in the background. They looked for all the world like the interchangeable pretty White chicks (there’s another sexist term- consider it a bonus) that litter the landscape of the digital world, with their duck faces and proud hands on hips. But these weren’t anonymous young women trying to get clicks from strangers. They were allegedly members of Congress. Well, why not? They can’t very well be any dumber than AOC. Or Sheila Jackson Lee. I don’t think there are any Americans dumber than Sheila Jackson Lee. And yet, she “represents” them. The ultimate Affirmative Action politician.

The deal they were celebrating was a real monstrosity. To be fair, pretty much every deal these cretins agree to is a monstrosity. But this was a super monstrosity. Our “representatives” approved giving $95 billion to the penis-piano playing former comedian turned leading Zionist in Ukraine, as well as more for our “favorite” ally Israel. I think they also included another disastrous proposal, that of outlawing the social media platform TikTok, in there as well. But nothing for border security. Our border security. Not that it would have done anything, anyhow, because Republicucks have often demanded that the Democrats includes some meaningless “border security” provision in the especially bad laws they reluctantly agree to.

But this time, the Stupid Party- now more stupid than ever- didn’t even bother with the pointless semantics about “border security.” And when Thomas Massie, one of the few good ones in Congress, published video of his colleagues cheering and waving the Ukrainian flag on the floor of Congress, he was threatened with a fine of $500 by the House Sergeant at Arms. Gee, you think they’d be proud. After all, they sure looked excited. More excited than the drunks used to look on the floor of the party conventions, with their ridiculous hats and streamers. But that was back in America 1.0, when things were more innocent. I don’t know if you can get drunk on the floor of Congress any more (though Nancy Pelosi may have had something to say about that), but some recent video proved you can have gay sex there. Not sure about straight sex.

The deal was made possible through the cooperation of the RINOs, the most unprincipled bunch on earth. Led by “MAGA Mike” Johnson, who is proving to be an even more cucky House Speaker than Kevin McCarthy. When Johnson was a single twenty five year old, he “adopted” a fifteen year old Black male. Hmm. Sounds very Dennis Hastert-like. I mean, if any twenty five year old man wanted to “adopt” a fifteen year old girl, would society have any doubts as to what his motivation was? But Donald Trump loves Johnson. He loves all RINOs. He loves them even more than I love hippos. Trump recently endorsed some horrible candidate running against Blake Masters, who was one of the victims of the 2022 vote fraud. But Trump never endorses people like Masters, who seem to support his MAGA platform.

One of the other few seeming “good guys” is Senator Rand Paul. While’s he’s never measured up to his legendary father, he has been a voice of non-interventionism. At the same time that Congress was capitulating to the actor/tyrant Zelinsky yet again, Paul was recorded as saying “everything” is on the table in terms of spending cuts, including “entitlements.” We all know what is meant by “entitlements.” If you were “Woke,” you’d call it a dog whistle. That would be the money they withheld from every employee for Social Security and Medicare. And the Republicucks clearly don’t want to pay it back. Only a party run by stupidity could make cutting that their top priority. But it is. They can’t stop from mentioning it. Not only is it wrong, but incredibly stupid political strategy. Well, it is the Stupid Party.

At a time when the battle between Zionism and the empowered anti-White masses is reaching a crescendo on college campuses, it’s clear that at least in Congress, the Zionists are still in charge. Back in the 1980s, one of the really good Republicans serving in Congress, Rep. Paul Findley, was defeated for reelection thanks to the power of AIPAC, which was incensed over his persistent criticism of Israel. Findley wrote a book, They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel’s Lobby, which was published in 1985. Naturally, Findley’s book changed nothing, and his political career was over (although he did live to be ninety eight). Looking at the present situation, where for the first time ever, there is actually a public discussion about Zionism, somewhere Findley must be smiling.

I don’t know how they’ll manage to do it, but somehow Zionism will remain the predominant orthodoxy in America, while the anti-White agenda marches on simultaneously. They’ve sold Double Think before. Maybe they can distract them with the Ukrainian mess by suggesting that Zelensky is partially Black. The Man, of course, has been covering that up. They need to have a nonwhite victim, if they’re going to sell Putin as a “White Supremacist.” But the Zionists have taken off the gloves. Ilhan Omar’s daughter has been suspended from college or something. Shit is getting real. Ben Shapiro’s Daily Wire has gone off the rails, claiming that those who think 9/11 was an inside job or that we never went to the moon “hate America.” That phony “conservative” outlet has fully discredited themselves. And that’s a good thing.

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