Thomas Massie Asks Speaker Johnson to Resign – Massie Announces He’ll Support MTG Effort to Oust Johnson


from The Conservative Treehouse:

At a certain point after following politics closely, you move away from reacting to events and begin to focus on proactively predicting events.  You start to develop a mental tuning fork that finds the frequency of DC compromise.   In essence, you begin to assemble data and take notes on visible activity that indicates compromise.

Those notes then becomes predictive data and you keep it visible for later reference when trying to review motives and motivations for the DC schemes. Generally, if you keep close watch and take good notes, you will catch around 80% of the public datapoints that highlight the path of the political compromise.  Things that make other things make sense.


The origin of MTG’s dark motives and her individual compromise originates in the timeline of her marital breakup, sexual exploits with former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and eventually divorce.  MTG, Lauren Boebert and Sean Hannity all have this origination timeline in common.  I’m not sure what originates the Deep State compromise with Massie yet, when that initial touch took place, but I do know it goes back much further in the timeline of his congressional tenure.

Thomas Massie now joins with MTG in calling for the removal of Speaker Mike Johnson.

Let there be absolutely no doubt, removing Johnson right now is giving the speaker gavel to Democrats.  This Machiavellian way to remove Donald Trump has always appeared to be the Deep State insurance policy.

When the U.S. Supreme Court reinstituted Donald Trump on the federal election ballots of the five leftist states who removed him, the high court noted that disqualifying a person from presidential office could only be done by congress, not by the individual states.

If the Democrats take control of the House, disqualifying Donald Trump from federal office will be the purpose of their first legislative act.  They already hold the Senate.   They will do this.  Thomas Massie knows this.

So, ask yourself, who exactly is controlling the action of Thomas Massie; remember, he’s the former endorser of Ron DeSantis on behalf of the Sea Island multinationals (banks).  Does the question answer itself?

Accept things as they are, not as you would prefer them to be.

When we *think* we have found the bottom of the corrupt and conniving state within the DC system… Pause, have a nice cup of coffee, then remind ourselves we’ll never find the bottom of this level of corruption; it’s ‘effen bottomless.

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