The Crucial Role that the ‘Nonprofits’ (‘Charities’ “NGOs”) Owned by U.S. Billionaires, Play in Fomenting ‘Revolutions’ (Coups) Abroad for the U.S.


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

The way that the U.S. empire expands its control into targeted countries so as to perpetrate coups that formerly the CIA had been doing (such as, most famously, in Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, and Chile 1973 — all of which replaced a democratically elected progressive leader by a fascist dictator and longstanding police-state), are now being done by “Non-Governmental Organizations” (NGOs) that are commonly also referred to by such terms as “think tanks” and ‘charities’ and ‘nonprofits’ (though hardly being charitable, and are actually tax-write-off propaganda-mills, scams for billionaires whose regular corporations reap profits from the consequences of these coups — of which the most successful recent one was the U.S. coup in February 2014 in Ukraine, which started the war there, which has been a gold mine for firms such as Lockheed Martin).


In a previous article, titled “The Explosive Growth of U.S. Militarism after the End of the Soviet Union”, I documented how, after the 1991 end of communism in Russia and break-up of the Soviet Union, the U.S. regime secretly fulfilled on the secret instruction that America’s President had started, on 24 February 1990, issuing to the heads-of-state of the U.S. regime’s colonies (‘allies’), such as first West Germany, and then France, telling them that, on the U.S. side — and despite their repeated U.S.-instructed verbal promises to Gorbachev that they would not do this — the Cold War must actually continue, but now secretly, until Russia itself becomes conquered and absorbed into the empire. Each, of the first two linked-to articles in this paragraph, is neccessary, in order to be able to understand, within the relevant historical context, the historical account that will be presented in the following, about how American-and-allied billionaires’ nonprofits or charities or Non-Governmental Organizations (“NGOs”), have, after the end of the Soviet Union, become crucial agencies for expanding yet further the U.S. empire, so that U.S. coups are now being perpetrated in a different way, which is less dependent, than before, upon the CIA. Whereas the CIA has acquired (except within the U.S. empire) a very negative reputation (which hinders the CIA’s effectiveness at helping to acquire for the empire, additional, new, colonies), these NGOs, with such deceptively benign PR monikers as the “Open Society Foundation”, the “Carnegie Endowment for International Peace”, and many others, still haven’t yet acquired so sullied a global reputation, and, therefore, can openly be cited as supporting a particular U.S. Government propaganda-line.

Of all public commentators on international relations, one stands out for me as having the most encyclopedic and (I have verified by my long having fact-checked hundreds of his commentaries) higher than 99% accuracy in his factual allegations and in his predictions: Alexander Mercouris. Almost every day, he posts, at The Duran dot com, at least one new commentary, and I have found that in the vastness, wide range, and detailed accuracy, of his commentaries, he has no peer anywhere on the internet. The sheer range of his topics is astounding, but what is even more remarkable is that he is an expert of each one of them (though he constantly denies that, even while he is publicly displaying that extraordinary expertise — for example, on military matters, he denies expertise, despite the fact that his predictions in that field have been far more accurate than just about any specialized military expert’s have been). In my own researches, whenever I have checked the veracity of his allegations, I have found him to be as skeptical, careful, and rigorous, in the quality of his sources, as I am; and, on all aspects of international relations and of geostrategy, I consider him to be the most broad-ranging and deep expert of all who publish in those fields. His knowledge of the history of each one of the individual nations on which he comments, matches or exceeds that of individuals who specialize on each, even though he himself actually has no specialty. His comment today about “the death of the NGO state” is typical, and I give it here, both linking to the video, and presenting here (cleaned up slightly from the automatically generated youtube transcript) in written form, that commentary by him:

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