President Trump and Ron DeSantis Met for Several Hours Sunday Morning in Florida


from The Conservative Treehouse:

Many Ted Cruz Ron DeSantis supporters for 2024 will climb their high horses and pontificate about how magnanimous it is for both President Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to put away the swords and be political allies again.  NOT ME!

I’m sick and tired of these backstabbing Decepticons and the insufferable idiots who don’t see through their moves and motives.  The same insufferable Never Trump Cruz Crew from 2016 was behind the insufferable Never Trump DeSantis operation for 2024; only this time, to make matters exponentially worse, they merged the DeSantis team with the insufferable Bush supporters.


No, nothing -not a scintilla of a thing- about this scheming conniving brand of “republicanism” that stand beside the fraud known as Ron DeSantis is worth aligning with.  There are two types of Ron DeSantis supporters, (1) the people who are lying, conniving closet leftists operating under the uniparty guise; and (2) those who are too stupid to know about it.  I want nothing to do with either entity, and the MAGA coalition gains nothing from their association.

Apparently, Ron DeSantis and President Trump met together in Florida for “several hours” Sunday morning at the request of Ron DeSantis.  Gee, this is a big surprise (/sarc).   [Washington Post Article – Politico Article]

The one constant chapter in the DeceptiCon playbook consists of the pages that follow “if you lose.”  That chapter, written by Lee Atwater, comes immediately after the outline of the Alex Castellanos rule: snuggle up close and shiv him in the ribs.  In the margins of those pages you will find my notes, “never, ever trust a never Trumper”…

DeSantis brings nothing to the MAGA table and positioning himself for 2028 only makes his snake underbelly show even more right now.  Sure, Casey and Ron both realize the “Top Gov” did the big stupid, but one thing is certain to happen from me, I will never allow people to forget this vain effort at recovery.

DeSantis needs to disappear, and Trump needs to Make Shame Great Again.


VIA POLITICO – Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump seem ready to put their feud from the Republican presidential primary aside — for real this time.

The two Florida Republicans met in Miami Sunday morning to talk about how they could work together during the general election, according to half a dozen people familiar with the meeting who were granted anonymity to speak freely.

The meeting was first reported by the Washington Post.

The get-together was arranged by Florida real-estate broker Steve Witkoff, several people confirmed to POLITICO. A Trump campaign official said it was a “good meeting set at the request of Gov. DeSantis.”

Three DeSantis donors texted POLITICO to say that they thought the move for the two men to make peace was “smart.” (read more)
WASHINGTON POST – […] There is an incentive for DeSantis to form a closer relationship, as well. People close to DeSantis have said it is untenable for him to continue to have a strained relationship with Trump, particularly as he eyes his political future. He is widely viewed among Republican donors and consultants as weakened after a shellacking by Trump in the primary. (more)
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