Saturday, March 1, 2025

Our intelligence agencies run our government like their own little fiefdom


by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

The United States of America is gone as we know it, and we are not going to get it back just by electing Donald Trump again.

Tucker Carlson recently said on the Joe Rogan show that several Federal elected officials have told him that our intelligence agencies have blackmail material on our elected officials and that our intelligence agencies use that material to control our elected officials. If we assume that Tucker Carlson is telling the truth (and we have no reason to think he is not), the implication is that our elected officials report to our intelligence agencies and not to the people who elect them. Given that our intelligence agencies have such information on quite literally every single one of us, there is no way for elected officials to fix this without seeing all of that blackmail material go public, destroying their reputations and careers – which is something some elected officials might be willing to do but that we will never see a majority willing to do.


Our elected officials have no power – our intelligence agencies do.

Our intelligence agencies own our government, and they run our country like their own little fiefdom. We are their serfs, and what the intelligence agencies seem to desire most is control.

One political party has completely rejected the rule of law. We should have seen this coming, given that the political party I’m talking about has never faithfully interpreted the Constitution. If this political party cannot faithfully interpret the Supreme Law of the Land, why would we think they would have any interest in faithfully interpreting any other law?

Note that I did not name the political party that has completely rejected the rule of law. There is a reason – if you ask any voter who prefers that political party which party I am talking about, they will tell you that it is the other political party.

Trump is a litmus test for this kind of thinking. Is Trump guilty? The political left is absolutely convinced that he is guilty. My mother, my children, and my closest aunts and uncles all agree that Trump is the most corrupt and vile person in our nation’s political history and that he belongs in jail and not the White House.

I take that back. My children think Ronald Reagan was worse, as they see Ronald Reagan as having been a more effective, vile, and evil person than Trump.

Understand that to the left, the political right is not just wrong on matters of policy but is a group of evil thugs who must be utterly destroyed once and for all.

And we think these people allow us to vote in fair and free elections.

Ladies and gentlemen – we are lucky the political left allows us to survive, and eventually, they will decide we have outlived our usefulness. Understand that to much of the left, the only value anyone on the right has is in our ability to pay taxes.

If I ask my family members what Trump is guilty of (and I have), I quickly find two things: 1) they cannot defend any specific allegation against Trump, once factual evidence is looked at, and 2) they do not care about any of the specific allegations against Trump, as they are so sure that Trump is an evil, corrupt criminal, that they are perfectly happy to see him go to prison for something he did not do.

The political left’s sense of ‘justice’ is based on who people are rather than on what they do. Laws don’t exist for the left to be followed, so much as for the left to use as political weapons against political opponents, and the left’s political opponents don’t have to be people on the political right, as the left has proven again and again that it will eat any of its own members who step out of line.

Consider what would happen if Trump named Tulsi Gabbard as his running mate. Does anyone doubt that Tulsi Gabbard would suddenly be accused of crimes?

Let’s talk about ‘truth.’ The political left is driven by postmodernism, and postmodernism posits that we experience the world through five limited and imperfect senses. These five limited and imperfect senses can be interpreted in a virtually infinite number of ways, and there is no objective way (according to postmodernism) to choose any one interpretation over another, making any sense of ‘truth’ or ‘knowledge’ personal. As such, we each have our own ‘truths’ and our own ‘knowledge,’ and such things as ‘truth’ and ‘knowledge’ can only be ‘felt.’

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