Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Dictatorship and the 1%


by Prof. Pedro Blas González, America Outloud:

There was a time when Western democratic governments were for the people. That is, governments, their policies and fiscal obligation reflected the needs of the citizenry. This is the reason to have free democratic elections. This is government of good will and by good will.

Western democracies are today preyed upon by despotic and anti-democratic Marxism and its many oppressive and totalitarian variants and their opportunistic financial backers. Together, these two malignant, power-hungry forces form a working man-eating machinery of exploitation that has no desire to govern, opting instead to rule with resentment and totalitarian fervor. Why is this? What has changed?

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What has changed is that totalitarianism has always thought of democracy ⏤ government of the people, by the people, for the people ⏤ as a threat to the centralized, top-down machinery that defines totalitarianism.

Totalitarianism takes power from the people and distributes it to oligarchs and the ideologue bureaucratic managers who run the State. History shows that the selected few who rule communist and socialist nations are self-serving despots and oligarchs. This has not changed. Call it what you will, but this is the staple of dictatorship.

Now is the time to make people understand that Western democracies are in the throes of dictatorship. The techniques of censorship, disinformation, political oppression, and State control are different from classical Marxism. What we are witnessing today is a reorganized and revamped Marxism for the digital, social media age.

Marxism no longer refers to itself as internationalist but rather globalist. Communism’s alleged proletariat has never been a grassroots process. This is the great lie, the myth that communism props up in order to use the working class as their pawn for absolute power.

Communism does not exist and rule through coincidence.

What happens when elected officials serve as collateral for the puppet masters of the deep state, the embedded, un-elected fifth column that works to destabilize Western democracies through managed decline? This is how America went from being a democracy to a dictatorship. Yet, the people are the last to know. The time for sentimentalism and naivete is long past.

What happens to Western democracies when big tech monopolies, big pharma, social-media oligarchs, and the once independent free press become the willing partners of Chinese communist party-backed globalists? These are the members of the Marxist/opportunist globalist country club that is made up of the 1%.

The marriage of the hated 1% that Marxists publicly once denounced and Chinese communism usurped power from the citizenry and consolidated it in the hands of globalist elites. This is power by the few, for the few. This is the essence of totalitarian, despotic globalism.

1% of the elites now control over 44 trillion dollars of assets. This condition is not only accepted by Marxists but is truly desirable, for the 1% elites are bankrolling the disintegration of Western democracies, which is the goal of Marxist resentment and violence against the human person.

Communism has finally found a way to usurp capitalism for its vile ‘the end justifies the means.’ Communism in the postmodern world has given willing, useful idiot individuals and financial institutions the rope to hang themselves. Again, the people are the last to know.

Marxism’s former villains: greedy bankers, financial moneylenders, churches, the bourgeoisie, the family structure, and traditional, working-class morality are today in the control of Marxist hegemony.

That is, Marxism, coupled with despotic 1% elites and the nihilistic vulgar morality that these two forces promote, are the de facto rulers of what used to be democratic institutions.

Communism Has Taken Off its Mask

Knowing that it has corrupted the legacy institutions of Western democracies, from financial and religious institutions, universities, the nuclear family, and free elections, and has bought off elected officials – implicitly or explicitly – including judges, at every level, Marxism’s partnership with despotic 1% elites no longer hide its quest for absolute power.

The totalitarian forces that have taken over Western democracies no longer need to disguise their avarice and quest for power. This may come as a new-found revelation to naïve persons.

It is time to wake up to the reality that America and other Western democracies are no longer democratic.

What Does Marxism and the 1% Elites Mean by Democracy?

Some human beings embrace resentment, envy, and hate. Some human beings possess a pathological fetish for power over other people. This is what gives their life meaning. This is the staple of totalitarianism. This is the legacy of bloody communism and Marxism’s demonic insistence in perfecting this system of universal murder.

According to Marxism, democracy of the people, by the people and for the people, is not democracy. Instead, they think of democracy as control of the people through a bureaucracy operated by oligarchs and ‘expert’ managers that run the State.

What Marxism and the 1% elites mean by democracy is the installation of totalitarians in power – social engineers who will look after the alleged democracy. Why is this?

One answer is that Marxism and the 1% hate the human person’s ability to exercise free will and make choices – through reason, experience, trial, and error, the difference between good and bad, constructive morality and deplorable immorality, and the role of divinity and the demonic in society.

According to Marxism and their 1% bankrollers, people do not know what is good for them. For this reason, they must be exploited and persecuted until they accept the social engineering conditioning that totalitarians demand of them.

Marxist and 1% elites know that genuine democracy comes from the people, from the goodwill of economic populism, from the morality of working-class people, the forgotten men and women who are the pillar of democratic nations and institutions (not the alleged and clichéd ‘proletariat’). This is what godless Marxists, Bolsheviks, and their 1% bankrollers fear most.

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