Communists That Infiltrated Colleges as Professors Are To Blame For Out-Of-Control, Whiny, Bratty Students Blocking Roads And Infesting College Campuses With No Regard For The Law


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

By now everyone has seen the campus protests all across the country, and frankly, these collectively narcissistic students and non-students which shouldn’t even be on campus, setting up tents on campus, demanding an end to Israel’s war in Gaza against Hamas, is the perfect example of what is wrong with higher education today.

Let’s be very clear here. This article is not about the war, in Gaza or Ukraine or anywhere else, so please keep the hate to yourself, not infecting the comment section, because we are talking about our college campuses, and those blocking roads, and how students and others are refusing to disperse when campus officials, or police, tell them to, as if they own the campuses and are the ones in charge.


They are not, but so many communist educators have infiltrated America’s educational institutions over the past decades, they have created generations of uncontrollable little brats that once graduated, go out into the world and becomes narcissistic, entitled, liberal Kens or Karens’.

Karen is a slang term used as an antagonistic female character in memes. “Karen” is generally characterized as an irritating, entitled woman, and Ken, I am using to describe the same type of male, and I use the terms male and female very loosely here.

These entitled students, and others, some supposedly adults, are also blocking roadways and basically being pains in the butts to everyone around them, especially those that need to get to work, or pick up their children.

While this piece is not about the 45 Communist Goals read into the 1963 congressional record, it does bear noting that fomenting communism in America’s educational institutions were listed as part of those goals, hence my reference earlier to communist teachers/professors.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

These out-of-control protests we are witnessing today, whether on college campuses or blocking roadways, is a symptom of a much larger disease which is destroying America from within.

The video below is just one of dozens floating around the internet, and shows not only how college campuses are being turned into protest zones instead of institutes of education, but also makes it clear that the professors, the supposed adults, are part of the problem, if not the instigators.

The first woman put on the ground by law enforcement that were called in because the students refused to disperse when ordered to by college officials, is a professor.

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