Woman Who Complained About Biological Men In Ladies Room At Planet Fitness In Alaska Has Her Membership Revoked As Company Sees Stock Drop


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

A woman who was banned from a Planet Fitness gym after photographing a transgender customer shaving in the women’s locker room claims the gym has since assigned a staffer to accompany the person in the ladies-only area — and is telling other women to back off.
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Want to know the times you are living in? The Bible calls it the ‘Days of Lot’, a period of time in which the Sodomites of all stripes who ascend into favor, power and position. This week in Fairbanks, Alaska, a woman who was a member of the Planet Fitness gym there was shocked to see a biological man in the ladies rooms, calmly shaving his manly face with a man’s razor at the sink. When the woman protested the man’s presence in the ladies room, Planet Fitness took swift action and removed the offender. What, what? Did you think it was the man they removed?

The woman is Patricia Silva, and she was given the bum’s rush after posting a photo of the hairy man standing at the sink in the Planet Fitness ladies room, using his manly razor to remove the excess hair from his manly face. You see, Christian, we are in the last days, Silva is the problem, not the biological man in the ladies room. The world is preparing itself to receive Antichrist, and everything is rearranging itself to accommodate that coming reality.

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