WEF’s Net Zero Goals Could Kill 4+ Billion People


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd smartest Guy in the World:

by The Exposé

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its fellow unelected globalist leaders are pushing for governments around the world to phase out fossil fuels. Leading experts have spoken out against their plans and are warning the public that the WEF’s “Net Zero” goal to eliminate fossil fuels will result in the deaths of over four billion people or more.

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The “Net Zero” target to end fossil fuel use is part of the WEF and UN’s “Agenda 2030” and “Agenda 2050” plans for humanity and involves dramatically reducing fossil reliance by 2030 and completely eliminating their use by 2050.

The WEF continues to push its agenda and has been calling for taxpayers worldwide to pay $3.5 trillion per year, which they insist is necessary to fund the noble global power in order to meet the globalist organisation’s “Net Zero” goal of “decarbonizing” the planet.

However, critics argue that “decarbonization” is just a euphemism for the WEF’s anti-human agenda and experts are raising the alarm about what this will actually mean for civilization, which includes the death of over four billion people.


Danish statistician Bjørn Lomborg is just one who has warned that ending fossil fuel use will lead to the deaths of around half of the world’s population through starvation alone.

“4 billion people are dependent on fossil fertilizer for food,” Lomborg notes. “Without, 4 billion will starve to death. “It is time to call out the astoundingly destructive & misanthropic campaigners,” he declared.

The article Lomborg was responding to was by British economist Neil Record in the Telegraph, who argued that the number of people that might die was closer to six billion.

Six Billion Would Die in a Year.

Neil Record reported: “If we literally just stopped using fossil fuels and “did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend, most likely six billion people would die within a year.”

Breaking down what would happen in a world without fossil fuels, Record notes that most people would suffer blackouts due to the grid being so seriously compromised, possibly fatally, and they may be widespread and permanent.”

From day one, gas users would be the first to feel the change of no more mining of coal; the world’s oil wells shut down; the world’s gas fields likewise, and in 10 or 15 days, the UK would have to turn off its gas distribution system as it would be unable to maintain pressure.

In turn, the domestic supply would be shut down too – gas would stop flowing, and some 21 million households (74% of the population) would no longer have heating, hot water, and cooking facilities.

“In their panic, people might turn to electricity for their cooking and heating, but wait…” says Record, who adds, “The UK electricity grid relies on natural gas as its “buffer” energy source. Every day, demand varies according to consumer demand, and the other main energy supplier, renewables, are highly variable and can only power the grid when gas is picking up the lion’s share of the gap between their output and consumer demand.”Source

So the moment that the main gas distribution system is de-pressurised, the grid-balancing system fails and power cuts ensue.

Electricity demand would have rocketed through the switch to electric space heating, cooking and water-heating, and so it seems very likely that the sudden excess demand would be undeliverable, and therefore that the grid would spiral into uncontrollability resulting in no electricity. This also means there would be no communication systems no mobile phones and no television.

Without power, there will be no running water and no heating and the most vulnerable people will start to die, according to Record. Initially, this will be the elderly in their own homes, then in hospitals when the diesel backup generators run out of fuel. Within the first 25 days new “existential problems emerge for ordinary people in the form of food availability and distribution.” Source

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