They’ll Do Anything To Steal Another Election: As George Orwell Warned Us, ‘We Know That No One Ever Seizes Power With The Intention Of Relinquishing It – Power Is Not A Means, It Is An End’


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– Beware A Brutal Terror Attack By ‘The Invaders’ That Triggers Martial Law

With 2024 unfolding quickly as we race full speed ahead into the third month of the year while it seems like it was only yesterday when 2023 expired and our new year began, we’re now only 8 months away from what pundits on both sides of the political aisle have called ‘the most important election of America’s lifetime.’

With politicians and pundits from the left crying out loud “If Trump wins, it’ll be the end of Democracy” while the rest of us have noticed “the left” themselves are trying to cement into history their own permanent coup over America in favor of a tyrannical global government that began long ago but was kicked into high gear with the election theft of 2020, its critical to remember that ‘the rule of law’ as we’ve long known it is no longer taken into consideration by the ‘globalist-left-neocon’ hate machine, and that they’ll do ‘whatever is necessary’ to hold on to power in 2024, even if that means totally burning down America in the process.


And with that oh so critical election coming as more and more Americans ‘awaken’ to the fact that they ARE NOT better off than there were back in 2020, or the previous decade for that matter, and in fact, are watching much of what they’ve built up in their lives ‘slip away’ as the ‘Biden crime cabal’ treats the illegals/criminals coming into our country better than he treats the American people who pay his salary, meaning a Trump ‘victory’ in November of 2024 is growing more and more likely every day, as ANP commenter ‘Dennis Barnett’ recently pointed out in a very astute comment on this linked March 1st ANP story“MANY believe now that the 3 Division level of Chinese Men who are in America illegally right now may be armed by the Marxist ahead of the election to carry out an attack that will make the one in Israel look like the Mickey Mouse Club. Those who are concerned about the possibility of such an event should prepare accordingly and very soon.

With that March 1st ANP story titled “If Demo-rats Lose In November, World Events Will Spiral Out Of Control Before The Changing Of The Guard – Be Totally Prepared For Everything Exploding In A Devastating Reality” direly warning about what one writer believed would likely happen should ‘the cabal’ be voted out of power in November, we’ve long believed that the ‘global cabal‘ won’t even allow there to be a ‘2024 election,’ taking steps to ensure their ‘reign of terror’ over America continues by completely locking the country down via a declaration of martial law even before the American people have the opportunity to vote them, and that demented old geezer, out of office and into the dustbin of history where he/they belong.

As George Orwell had bluntly warned in his classic “1984,” “We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end,” and that warning from Orwell may have never been as true as it is today, with a very real ‘government of mass murderers and terrorists’ in power here in America, lying to the American people’s faces every step of the way while quite literally ‘inviting’ our ‘replacements’ in to our nation to carry out chaos, providing them food and housing and travel, paid for by the American people, while they wage a very real war upon Americans.

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