by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Because of the seriousness of this incident, I am posting this blog one day early, as these attacks occurred last Friday during our vidchat, I thought that it would be better to get this blog posted as early as possible.

In any case, however, it would be remiss to begin this week’s blogs with any other story than the barbaric and tragic shootings in Moscow.  My heartfelt prayers go out to the Russian people and their loss, and I pray that there will be an end to this horrendous war between the Ukraine and Russia.


Sadly, I’m reminded of a similar incident in 1914 when Serbian assassination teams – and members of the Black Hand secret society – snuck into Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina which was recently annexed by Austria-Hungary, and  arrayed themselves along the motorcade route (sound familair?) of the heir-apparent to the Austro-Hungarian imperial and royal thrones, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie, and murdered them.  In the powder-keg that was pre-World War One Europe, it was the event that sparked a diplomatic crisis, and the cascading mobilizations that brought all of the European powers into a war with each other.  So far, we’ve been lucky; we’ve managed to avoid the diplomatic crises and cascading mobilizations (what does NATO have left to mobilize?).

Let’s start here:

VLAD VOWS REVENGE Putin says Moscow concert hall gunmen who killed 133 tried to flee to UKRAINE despite ISIS claiming terror attack

According to The Sun‘s article, here is the event as we know it now:

  • At least 133 dead and more than 120 injured in the terrorist attack in Moscow
  • Gunmen armed with automatic weapons & explosives stormed the Crocus City Hall last night at 8pm local time
  • Some 6,000 fans were gathered to watch Russian rock band Picnic
  • Fires were set in the venue and burned out of control – hampering the rescue mission
  • Russia has arrested the four suspected gunmen and has released footage of their interrogations
  • faction of ISIS have claimed responsibility for Russia’s worst terror attack in 20 years
  • Ukraine has denied anything to do with the massacre
  • US and British intelligence warned Russia weeks before about the threat of an ‘imminent’ attack – but were dismissed

There are a number of things about the remainder of the article that bear mentioning. One thing struck me as I read was that one had to read all the way to the end of the article before there was any acknowledgement by a Western official – in this case US Secretary of State Blinken – of the attacks and for any expression of sympathy for the Russians’ dead or their loved ones.  It was almost as if the idea was an afterthought, and one designed merely for “good optics”.  As for the rest of it, the reader will have noted the following: (1) western intelligence services are alleged to have warned the Russians of an impending “event”; (2) the Russian government and security services allegedly ignored the warning; (3) ISIS cells are claiming responsibility for the attack; (4) Russia is claiming the Ukraine is behind it; (5) The West is accusing the Russian government of lying profusely about that very point and so on.

Before we can get to our high-octane speculations on this sad event, there is also this little tidbit of information shared by B.W.: the Russian rock group  apparently playing at the venue that night – March 22, or 3/22, a date which we’ll get back to – was the group Picnic. The poster advertizing the concert depicts the members of the group, including one member holding a violin and bow, and standing on one leg, with his other leg bent making his legs form the shape of the numeral “4”. Or in other words, the violinist, if one inverts the picture, is a classic depiction of The Hanged Man from the Tarot deck. One easily recollects why that imagery may be significant, because of the iconic picture of the man falling from one of the Twin Towers during the 9/11 attacks. The man momentarily literally assumed the shape of the Hanged Man and was caught in this famous photo that subsequently inspired all sorts of speculations of an occult nature concerning the 9/11 event:

Who Was the Falling Man from 9/11? - Falling Man Identity Revealed

The Picnic concert poster is much more deliberate, and the fact that the attacks occurred on March 22 – 3/22 – have already sparked speculations that this date is a clear allusion to Yale University’s Skull and Bones secret society with its well-known logo featuring that number:

The 15 Most Powerful Members Of 'Skull And Bones' - Business Insider


We mention all of this simply to point out the presence of such elements. Whether more are found during the course of investigation and research of the event remains to be seen, but the occult symbolic signatures in other well-known events are there for those who would bother to see them, from the assassination of President Kennedy (as I and others have pointed out, I in my book LBJ and the Conspiracy to Kill Kennedy), to 9./11 itself and the massively detailed study of the occult symbolisms of that event – far too many to be just a statistical fluke – by S.K. Bain in his book The Most Dangerous Book in the World.  For now we must simply take note of these weird symbolisms, and move on to consider the question hovering over The Sun’s summary of the events:

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