Monday, March 3, 2025

The guilty verdicts of these parents should send shivers down the spines of every American


by Robert Lowry, MD, America Outloud:

Fifty years ago, no one would have batted an eye if a neighborhood mom paddled a local child caught misbehaving out in the street. The men of the neighborhood were all respected by the children because the law respected each adult’s right to and responsibility to help keep order in their community streets. In those times, there was almost no crime to speak of and everyone could walk the streets without a thought of being attacked by criminals. Outside of the docks and rare streets, everyone knew to avoid; this was the case for almost every American city as well as the rural towns.


Kids could walk home from school without any fear of being kidnapped. Neighbors watched over their neighbors and neighborhoods. Children were expected to misbehave now and then and need discipline as a normal part of growing up. The police were not called for the minor issues of life. Not only did parents discipline their children as they saw fit to do, but the local parents could discipline other neighbors’ kids without any thought of the government stepping in.

Over the past fifty years, however, the government has inserted itself into and between the people of every community – establishing laws that violate all sense of community and neighborliness and making everything, every move, and every thought a legal question of concern for everyone. Yes, even one’s thoughts – think: hate crimes.

Individuals are constantly told by politicians and the police ⏤ the lie ⏤ that they can not take the law into their own hands, while every citizen has the weight of the law upon his shoulders. In the meantime, they have made practically everything to do with stopping crime ⏤ illegal unless you are the police. The whole idea of what a citizen is, has been denied the people. In the process, all sense of family and community has been destroyed, and is today practically erased from American society. Some politicians and academicians have even claimed that all the children of society belong to the society and not actually the parents.

…and what is one of the results of this neighborhood destruction?

In 2021, Ethan Crumbly (then 15 years old) murdered four students at his school in Michigan. This past December, Ethan, a minor, was sentenced to life in prison. Justice served? Perhaps so. Perhaps not. But Prosecutors in Michigan did not stop there. They charged both parents with involuntary manslaughter. In separate cases, both parents have now been found guilty of a crime everyone knows they did not do. The guilty verdicts of these parents should send shivers down the spines of every American.

Did these parents fail to properly discipline their child long before he went out to murder his fellow students? All indications would say yes. Did they fail as parents? All indications would say yes. Did they fail to take any legitimate steps to warn the community of the threats their child was making, which they were apparently well aware of? Again, all indications would say yes. Should they (like any parent) be made responsible for making amends, as best they can, for the damages their child caused? Yes, this has been a standard of Western society for centuries.

But how does this equate to them being found guilty of the actual crime their child committed? Is there not a difference between being made responsible for the damages one’s child creates and claiming that the parent actually did the crime? What sort of legal system are Americans saying they are ready to accept when substitutionary guilt can be made the law of the land? Will gun and auto manufacturers and retailers be made to stand trial for murder if their products are used in such acts?

But what about the government? Is it not true that the government has inserted itself into the home to regulate and criminalize what can and can’t be done by parents with respect to how they elect to bring up their children? How many parents have been unjustly and immorally fined, arrested, threatened, and jailed for attempting to bring up their children in the same manner of discipline as they were brought up with the generation before? How many parents today, if not for the perceived and real threat of government attack, would paddle their misbehaving child in public ⏤ but now do not?

As government has inserted itself into the home and between parents and their children in this respect, why is not the government on trial here? It forced the setting of this table where children and parents are allowed no room to choose their own disciplinary style. Parents have to keep everything under wraps, or else risk having their child taken from them by the state. With primary school children being arrested by the police today for the most normal of child behaviors, what parent would be willing to seek public help if they did think something was wrong with their child?

Why are the government and its policies and laws not on trial here?

Why are not the mayor, the city council, the teachers, the local CPS workers, the district attorney, state legislators, etc., all on trial for manslaughter as well? Are they not just as much to blame here for how “their” children, whom they claim belong to the community, behave as are the parents?

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