by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:
Last year this Substack published a series of articles exposing the then upstart presidential candidate RFK Jr…
…some well informed readers were angered because their Camelot cognitive dissonance prevented them from seeing through this man’s true agendas (similarly to how some were initially incredulous when this Substack started exposing PSYOP-MUSK).
Yesterday, RFK Jr further outed himself as an unelectable fraud; to wit:
by Sundance
In an apparent move to stir up greater support from the hardline leftists in the progressive movement, RFK Jr has announced 38-year-old Nicole Shanahan as his Vice-Presidential running mate.
The move appears to be an effort to appeal to the Bernie Sanders, ecology-centric, radical leftist, earth-saving environmentalist wing of the Democrat base voter. Positioning the ticket to carve out a younger voting bloc and stir interest amid the Sanders/AOC crowd.
Shanahan had previously donated $4 million to the SuperPAC supporting Robert Kennedy Jr and given thousands of dollars to the Soros funded progressives in politics and activism circles. Shanahan was previously married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin, one of the wealthiest men in the world; the financial windfall from their divorce funded her ability to contribute heavily to far-left causes.

(Via CNN) – As a video introducing Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, played to supporters in Oakland on Tuesday, the campaign crystallized the partnership by distributing “Kennedy/Shanahan” signs to the crowd.
Kennedy named Shanahan as his vice presidential pick Tuesday, introducing her as “my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom, Nicole Shanahan.”
Shanahan’s selection will accelerate Kennedy’s attempts to gain ballot access in as many states as possible. She will also be tasked with broadening Kennedy’s appeal and potentially helping to raise money for his big-spending campaign.
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Tuesday he was “most importantly” looking for a young person as a running mate and picked 38-year-old Nicole Shanahan because he believes she can speak to the “the growing number of millennials and Gen Z Americans who have last faith in their future.”
“Many in your generation have stopped believing that older people who have been running our government for so long understand them or represent their interests,” Kennedy told supporters gathered for his vice presidential announcement in Oakland, California.
Kennedy, 70, attacked President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, the respective presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees, for their age, while suggesting it may contribute to what he says are poor policies on technology regulation and the economy. (read more)
(Via Politico) – […] Kennedy has been searching for a vice presidential candidate to join his independent bid since quitting the Democratic Party primary last October. The short list was wide-ranging, including NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers, motivational speaker Tony Robbins, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and ex-Democratic Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.
Now that he’s named the 38-year-old Shanahan as his running mate, the campaign can begin collecting ballot access signatures in about 20 more states.
Shanahan said she’s passionate about fighting chronic disease in the U.S. by eliminating toxins in food and water and electromagnetic pollution as well as doing different studies on pharmaceuticals and vaccines.
“There is only one candidate who takes the chronic disease epidemic seriously, and it is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and I will be his ally,” Shanahan said.
Shanahan said Kennedy will be focused on corruption in government agencies while she applies her skills as a technologist to the issue.
Shanahan, who is also a fellow at the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, has a long history of political giving, backing progressive California Rep. Ro Khanna’s campaigns as well as making a contribution to President Joe Biden and a five-figure donation to the Democratic National Committee in 2020 after supporting Marianne Williamson’s long-shot bid during the primary. The tech entrepreneur also donated to Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. (more)

And there you have it folks: this guy is anything but some kind of viable solution, and his running mate is not even worth ever mentioning again.
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