Raging Totalitarians Have A ‘God Complex’ As Seen In Numerous A.I. Programs The Deep State Is Using To Brainwash & Indoctrinate Children, Steal Elections And Control The World


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– This Tech In The Wrong Hands Is Being Used Against Us In The Most Horrific Ways

In the 1st video we’ve embedded directly below published over at Rumble by the Liberty Daily titled “This Ad Is 100% AI-Generated Which Should Worry Us All About What’s Coming in the Future,” we see what looks to be a ‘real’ human being, (some commenters over at Rumble suggesting they maybe used ‘AOC’ as the A.I. model,) to try to ‘sell us’ on some product we’d never buy anyways, though surely a ‘creation’ that some people will ‘fall for,’ believing ‘it’ to be ‘real’.

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Meaning whoever’s creating and using this A.I. could potentially ‘create’ an unlimited number of such ‘things’ to use on video in the future to carry out any number of different psy-ops upon the American people, as this new story over at The New American titled “How the Deep State is Using Artificial Intelligence to Brainwash Children, Control Elections, and Surveil the World” reports, the number of ways in which A.I. will be used against us in the future are virtually limitless, and it just so happens, ‘raging totalitarians’ are most often the ones creating these AI programs and programming them.

Then being used to indoctrinate children, infiltrate elections and fooling people who don’t do their research into believing that something is going on that really isn’t, or ‘someone’ is talking who doesn’t really even exist, as we see in the video below, while ‘it’ looks kind of ‘real’, would you fall for whatever lies and ‘demons’ it is selling? First, from this New American story.:

Artificial intelligence (AI), programmed by raging totalitarians, is being used by the Deep State to indoctrinate children by replacing human teachers, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. (ANP: You can see that video as the 1st video at the bottom of this story.)

Additionally, AI is now infiltrating elections. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), noted that technology is evolving from “analytical” power to “predictive” power, which would then result in a “prescriptive” mode. Schwab said, “You do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict. And afterwards, you can say, ‘Why do we need elections?’ Because we know what the result will be.” 

Ultimately, Newman shared that evildoers like WEF “prophet” Yuval Noah Harari and principal researcher and AI visionary at Google Ray Kurzweil believe that AI will soon surpass humans and become like GodIt is time to stand up and push back against this nonsense to restore sanity and protect the next generation from an age of technocracy.

So, what do you think of the video below? Believable? While we certainly wouldn’t pay any attention to what ‘it’ has to say, anyways, just think of ALL the people who’d fall for it ‘hook, line and sinker’. Definitely a recipe for disaster in the ‘wrong hands’ and these ‘hands’ it is now in are sure to be used against us, as Susan Duclos had warned on ANP back on March 3rd, one A.I. product tells it’s users it is ‘God,’ and therefore must be worshipped like God, threatening executions for those who refuse a 3rd time. Leading us to ask this must-ask question, is THAT the way the globalists totalitarians creating these products actually think about THEMSELVES? Well if that’s the case, thank GOD for the 2nd Amendment and 500 million+ firearms in the hands of the American people.

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