Please, do NOT send this video to anyone who has been vaxxed or given a nasal swab PCR test because……


from State Of The Nation:

…most of the vaccinated people could not handle
this highly radioactive truth, if they truly believed

Submitted by A Long Covid Coach & Vaccine Injury Consultant
SOTN Exclusive
There are very good reasons why the naked truth about the lethally weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ has not made its way into Big Media quite yet.

The vast majority of vaccinated folks got the jabs and boosters out of extreme fear. Hence, the last thing they want to hear about are the many exceedingly harmful effects of those extremely dangerous and often deadly injections.

To become prematurely aware of the various and serious Covid vaccine-induced injuries would push many individuals into suicidal ideation. Others would go into deep depression they might never recover from. Still others would literally go insane.

Because of the many psychological conditions and psychiatric illnesses which are being caused by these shots, the vaxxed are already quite vulnerable to melting down and/or going crazy. Honestly, who wouldn’t go stark raving mad after finding out what the government and/or your employer and/or your doctor did to you by mandating these killshots, clotshots and cancershots. As follows:

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