Saturday, February 1, 2025

Our media’s integrity has denigrated into a bad Monty Python skit


by Wallace Garneau, America Outloud:

Upon being told that Freedom of Religion precludes America from ever being a Christian state, John Adams shot back: “This is not a Christian nation, sir, and upon that, we agree. This is, however, a nation of Christians, and it is the Christian tradition that guides us.”

This is a profound statement, particularly when paired with the fact that John Adams viewed the central premise of Jesus’ teachings to be ethical rather than religious.

I hear over and over and over again that people can be moral without religion, and this is, of course, true, but it is also true that if morality is but a construct of man, then each of us is free to define our own morality however we wish, which brings us to a much more famous John Adams quote:


“Because we have no Government armed with Power capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by morality and Religion. Avarice, Ambition, Revenge, or Gallantry would break the strongest Cords of our Constitution as a Whale goes through a Net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

That second John Adams quote provides the reason that the anti-Christian party is also the anti-Constitution party: the left is smart enough to understand that without the Christian ethic, we need a totalitarian state to prevent the public from ripping itself to shreds.

That’s not to say we need everyone to proclaim faith, but we do need an agreed-upon moral standard, and for 250 years, the Judeo-Christian moral standard has been the norm. We eliminate that standard at our own peril.

Not all Democrats are anti-Christian or anti-Constitution, at least in their own minds. Indeed, many Democrats proclaim a Christian faith, and not a day goes by where some Democrat fails to call the MAGA movement anti-Constitution.

Despite this, I hold that the Democratic Party is the party of cultural and moral diversity, and as such, it is against adhering to the Christian ethical standard. Similarly, though many Democrats claim to support and defend the Constitution, they do so while refusing to be bound by Constitutional limitations. This is akin to being ‘for the law’ but only as long as we are not asked to follow it.

John Adams believed that the Christian ethic involved four things: truth, justice, liberty, and brotherhood. Postmodernism says that there is no such thing as ‘truth,’ and postmodernism runs amok on the left; many leftist district attorneys refuse to enforce laws except when using the law as a political weapon, destroying any national sense of justice; liberty runs counter to the ‘Great Reset’ leftists are trying to spring upon us; and the modern leftist sense of identity politics breeds tribalism to destroy any national sense of brotherhood.

The left believes in exactly zero parts of the Christian ethic.

Many Americans are still moral and religious, but let me be clear that we are no longer a moral and religious people. Instead, we have become a nation turned against itself, bereft of a shared identity while eschewing any sense of national purpose. All that remains is a morality of the common denominator, which is the same as no morality at all. To many, tolerance for immorality has become the only remaining moral virtue.

If John Adams were alive today, he would say that we as a people are no longer worthy of our Constitution.

Let’s talk about ‘truth’ in relation to the following article from CNN:

Why does Biden keep mentioning January 6? Because Trump won’t stop talking about it.

Every premise that the article is based on is a lie. First, there was no ‘insurrection’ on January 6. The FBI investigated January 6 and called it a ‘spontaneous riot’ and specifically said it was NOT an ‘insurrection.’ Despite that, thousands of Americans were locked up in solitary confinement for over a year, and some of them are STILL locked up on misdemeanor charges of trespassing.

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