Nolte: Data Confirms No One’s Watching Hundreds of Woke Streaming Shows


by John Nolte, Breitbart:

Data revealed by Variety in March confirmed that, other than the top 20 shows, pretty much no one is watching any of that woke crap on America’s lousy streaming services.

“As series output soared to historic heights in 2022, with nearly 1,000 original titles released on the major [streaming] platforms,” the useless, far-left Variety reported without ever explaining why “viewership on most services was concentrated among fewer than two dozen shows.”

“Data … shows the top 20 most-watched TV seasons” on every streaming service other than Netflix “accounted for the vast majority of original series viewership on almost all of the major U.S.-based [streaming] platforms in 2022.”


None of this surprises normal people, but it is nice to see what we all knew to be true confirmed.

“The drop-off between the top performing shows and the remainder is, if anything, even more striking,” the report continued.

Get a load of this…

Disney+ “released 50 original series in 2022 (not counting kids’ content),” and the ten most popular “seasons captured nearly 80% of original series viewing time; the next 10, just over 16%.”

Disney seasons that were not in the top 20 “accounted for only about 5% of viewing time.” Other than Peacock’s three percent, that is the worst of all the major streamers.

The following is by far the most important revelation… The all-important rewatchable factor:

This data also indicates that most streaming originals do not have the rewatch value offered by many older series. Whereas beloved library shows such as “Grey’s Anatomy” reliably chart among the most-watched titles on streaming week after week, year after year, new originals are hard-pressed to keep viewers coming back.

Looking again at Disney+, only two of the top 10 original seasons in 2022 reappeared among the top 10 the next year: “The Mandalorian” Season 2 and limited series “Andor,” both “Star Wars” properties. (The former actually saw its share of viewing time rise year over year, likely bolstered by the third season’s premiere.)

So even if people are watching the top 20 streaming shows once, almost no one goes back to rewatch them again, and there is only one reason for that: they suck.

And the primary reason they suck is the woketardery. As I’ve mentioned before, when you see lists of the greatest foreign movies ever made, there is one glaring omission (with the exception of the rebellious Sergei Eisenstein) — every country under Soviet domination during the Stalin era. Why? Because the commies only produced dull propaganda. Stalin understood the power of movies and even as he enjoyed American movies every evening in the Kremlin, Soviet citizens were fed a steady diet of forgettable and dull commercials — which is all propaganda is.

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