from Moonbattery:
The supercilious bigotry that characterizes the liberal ruling class is at its most conspicuous at MSNBC, which explicitly eggs on its audience to hate rural whites:
People who enrage liberals merely by existing will inevitably stand accused of rage. Letting such people vote is a threat to democracy.
Of all Thomas Schaller’s bigoted calumnies, accusing rural whites of regarding “violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse” in the aftermath of hundreds of Democrat-endorsed urban black riots stands out by achieving a Peter Cahill level of hypocrisy.
This might be the most overtly racist thing I’ve seen people say on TV…
— EducatëdHillbilly™ (@RobProvince) February 29, 2024
Later in the segment, Paul Waldman stumbles onto an accurate if obvious insight by characterizing support for Trump as “a way to essentially give a big middle finger” to himself and the repugnant ruling class he personifies. Lend the authors of White Rural Rage a few IQ points and they might figure out they are effectively campaigning for Trump by highlighting how much the liberal establishment hates regular Americans.