Leaked Audio Exposes FBI Dirty Dealings With Key Informant, Architect of Whitmer “Kidnapping Plot”


from Revolver News:

Revolver News was the very first outlet to draw attention to the striking and damning parallels between the so-called Michigan Kidnapping Plot and the January 6th Fedsurrection. Indeed, the Michigan entrapment fiasco was a central pillar of our path-breaking piece, now three years old, introducing the likelihood of federal involvement on January 6th.

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Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Though it is commonly called a “kidnapping plot,” the Michigan plot also involved plans to storm the State Capitol in Michigan. The Michigan plot involved the Three Percenters, one of the three main militia groups also imputed to January 6th. And much like we now know about January 6th, the Michigan plot was absolutely saturated with informants and undercover agents. Of the fourteen individuals involved in the alleged plot, at least five were either undercover agents or informants—that’s nearly a 50% infiltration ratio!

It doesn’t help, of course, that the man who oversaw this entrapment travesty as head of the Detroit FBI Field Office was quickly promoted by Christopher Wray to run Washington, D.C.’s FBI Field Office in the months leading up to and after January 6th. This individual, called Steven D’Antuono, ended up being the public face of the now entirely discredited (and continually unfolding) January 6 pipe bomb investigation (again, as Revolver was the first to report). What are the chances!?

But what is particularly striking and scandalous about the Michigan Plot is not simply the extent of government infiltration, but the nature of it. The government’s informants were not simply sitting by passively observing a terrorist plot in the making; an overwhelming majority of evidence shows that the government and its agents were the key active instigators and initiators of every major advancement of this so-called plot, amounting to an entrapment operation of the most flagrant sort imaginable. Just to recap from our previous reporting, the following are just some of the steps actively undertaken by the government’s informants in this case:

A look at the annotated indictment reveals that at every level of the [Michigan Kidnapping] plot, FBI operatives played the most important leadership roles:

-The plot’s “explosives expert,” who the plotters were accused of planning to buy bombs from, turned out to be an FBI agent.

-The head of transportation for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI agent.

-The head of security for the militia outfit turned out to be an undercover FBI informant.

-At least two undercover FBI informants were active participants in the initial June 6, 2020 meeting in which the plot to storm Capitol buildings was allegedly hatched — meaning at least three FBI informants infiltrated before the conspiracy even started.

Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge

In one of the plot’s climactic scenes, in the main van driving up to look at Governor Whitmer’s vacation home, three out of the five people in the van—60 percent of the plot’s senior leaders—were federal agents and informants:

31. FOX, CROFT, CHS-2, a UCE, and an individual from Wisconsin traveled in the first vehicle. While in the vehicle, CROFT and FOX discussed detonating explosive devices to divert police from the area of the vacation home. They stopped at the M-31 highway bridge on the way, where FOX and the UCE inspected the underside of the bridge for places to seat an explosive charge. FOX took a picture of the bridge’s support structure, which he later shared with CHS-2 in their encrypted chat. From there, they drove to a public boat launch across the lake from the vacation home to watch for the other cars in their group.

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