Laken Riley, Open Borders, and the Epstein List


by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

One reason why my books on hidden history have proven popular is because I discuss forgotten incidents and people. Mining those memory holes produces some significant gems. What’s frustrating is the inability to find updates on important stories. It’s as if the stories themselves have been slain, left forever frozen in time.

In a December 8, 1954 television interview with Longines Chronoscope, which is still available on YouTube, Admiral Richard Byrd spoke of “an area as big as the United States, that’s never been seen by human beings. And that’s beyond the pole, on the other side of the South Pole….And I think it’s quite astonishing that there should be an area as big as that unexplored.” Those questioning him on this early panel show, set the template for our modern “journalists,” by quickly changing the subject. None of these representatives of a supposed “free press” found that statement- which contradicts what we are told regarding the geography of the area- interesting enough for any follow up questions?


Admiral Byrd is acknowledged as one of the greatest- if not the greatest explorer of all time. He couldn’t be painted as a “kook,” and cannot be converted into a “conspiracy theorist” by our beloved “fact checkers.” Byrd was never asked to elaborate on his bombshell comments, before his death on March 11, 1957. The Antarctica Treaty was signed on December 1, 1959, paving the way for future speculation about flat earth, hollow earth, and secret alien bases, among other things. I spoke to Byrd’s grandson in 2017, and he claimed never to have heard about these remarks. He told me that he would talk to his brother about it, and get back to me. I never heard from him again. Byrd’s son Richard Evelyn Byrd III died very curiously, being found in a warehouse. Wearing one shoe. Supposed Alzheimer’s, which his children denied.

We don’t have to go that far back to find top headlines which disappear quickly, and for which there is never any updated information. I run into this all the time, even in researching my less controversial books, like Bullyocracy. And that’s with having two of the very best researchers in all the land, Chris Graves and Peter Secosh, helping me. A family files a lawsuit. You can’t find the results of the lawsuit. Suspicious deaths of unknown causes, “to be determined.” Only you can’t find any report that the cause was ever determined. We see these nearly every day now, with celebrities dropping like flies from causes which are never disclosed. We presume that the warp speed vaccine is the culprit, of course, but doctors remain baffled.

I’m writing about Trump and Biden now, in a book that is essentially Hidden History 4, but will not be called that because my primary publisher doesn’t like series. I think. At any rate, Trump is an especially difficult subject, because of all the things he said he was going to do, or might do, and was reported to have been on the verge of doing. It’s hard to find updates indicating just what he actually did. We are told that some clever “insurrectionist” stole dear Lady Pelosi’s laptop on January 6. One of the suspects allegedly killed himself. But there are no updated stories as to whether the laptop was ever found. Maybe it’s languishing in Admiral Byrd’s land beyond the South Pole, along with his son’s missing shoe, the German Mauser found on the sixth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository, OKC’s John Doe #2 and the real Epstein list.

Speaking of that Epstein list, where is it? It wasn’t that long ago that some judge ordered it released. This created front page coverage, and precipitated a feud between lame court jester Jimmy Kimmel and NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers. Lists appeared online, but those whose names were on them either ignored it, or claimed the lists were fake. So where is the official list? The one even our sainted professional “journalists” recognize? Where is the judge who ordered their release? He should be a bit perturbed over the inexplicable delay. Ghislaine Maxwell was also said to finally be ready to name names. So when will that happen? Why are these things so widely reported, only to then vanish like Judge Crater and Ambrose Bierce?

Then there was the intriguing tale of the subterranean rabbis. Who emerged from secret tunnels connected to a New York synagogue, and angrily lashed out at police. Who, contrary to their training in Israel, calmly took it in stride without retaliating. Not a single rabbi was shot in the back. Needless to say, this is not characteristic police behavior. We were told that high chairs and stained mattresses, with the stains perhaps being blood, were found in these tunnels. That sounds like something that should have aroused the suspicions of someone, but the kindly authorities quickly sealed up the tunnels. No analysis of the stains. No explanation for why a synagogue would have high chairs underground. Visions of blood rituals danced in the heads of anti-Semites everywhere, but again the story just vanished.

And what about Greg Abbott and the crisis at the border? He was sounding like Jefferson Davis not much more than a month ago. We were told twenty five states or something had signed on to his vow to resist federal interference. So what happened? Did Texas, and maybe those other twenty five states secede from the union? Maybe I missed it, what with the fixed Super Bowl, the already forgotten shooting at the victory parade, and Donald Trump’s continuous losses in his politicized show trials. Can I join some kind of digitalized Confederacy, so I can stay where I’m at? So the Feds never showed up to tear down Abbott’s laughable barbed wire? Was the barbed wire even put up? Inquiring minds want to know.

Which leads us to Laken Riley. The twenty two year old college student who was murdered by an illegal immigrant recently. There were actual, well attended protests about this, that were ignored by the mainstream media, of course. At Joe Biden’s rip roaring State of the Union address this week, feisty Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green passed out buttons which read, “Laken Riley- Say her Name!” Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas refused to take a button, and further refused to say her name. Mayorkas was reportedly impeached by the House, in a story that I predict will disappear as quickly as a working class paycheck. Biden did say Riley’s name at MTG’s insistence, but butchered it as “Lincoln Riley.” Maybe on purpose. Maybe because of the dementia. More seriously, he called the murderer an “illegal.”

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