Here’s How Mass Migration is Threatening America’s Food Security


by Ed Kozak, The National Pulse:

Animal health experts are warning that mass illegal immigration is threatening the United States’ food supply. Since 2021, authorities recorded an estimated nine million encounters with undocumented immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. These illegal aliens are rarely subject to any meaningful health checks and carry with them a variety of diseases.

“These people are just destroying our country. And our food supply is going to be a real critical issue,” Dr. Michael Vickers, a veterinarian who served on the Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC), told The Epoch Times.


Vickers highlighted the fact that thousands of cattle in Texas were slaughtered after being infected with drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). The source of these infections was the illegal aliens who worked at the affected dairies. Vickers noted that “people from Central America and beyond” milk “[m]ost of the dairy herds in the United States.”

In two cases, a combined 23,000 cattle were infected with TB. Investigators discovered that the TB strains were human and originated outside of the U.S. Twelve illegal aliens working with the herds were infected with TB, Vickers said.

Vickers also expressed concerns that the ongoing border crisis risks a severe New World screwworm epidemic. New World screwworm cases are surging in Central America, and last year, the USDA had to provide emergency funding to foreign farmers to combat outbreaks.

While the threat the ongoing border crisis poses to Americans is often evident, few realize how dangerous unfettered migration is to the U.S. food supply. Biden’s ‘newcomers‘ strain public resources, commit crime, and carry disease. Now those diseases risk destroying the country’s food supply.

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