Globalist elites want to eliminate billions of people. Will you be one of them?


by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News:

Globalists have pledged to bring the world population down from nearly eight billion people to just one billion. The sight of large families and young children leaves their hearts cold.

This is an election year in the U.SIn normal times, an election is the moment when ordinary people can take back control of their nation’s destiny.

But these are not normal times. 

Across the globe, men and women are waking up to the alarming truth that governments no longer serve God or the people.


At LifeSiteNews we are committed to bringing you the unvarnished truth about world affairs, the truth that the mainstream media will never give you. Truth is what we live for; it’s the air we breathe.

And the truth of what humanity is facing is horrifying.

Globalist elites are hellbent on using the power of national governments to carry out a worldwide cull of human beings.

They are pledged to bring the world population down from nearly eight billion people to just one billion.

That’s right: according to these plans, seven billion people must go.

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