from The National Pulse:
Democrat-aligned election groups are raking in dark money donations ahead of the 2024 election, according to campaign finance watchdog OpenSecrets. The group says that an unprecedented amount of untraceable funds is expected to flow to political groups. In 2023, an estimated $160 million in dark money was donated to political committees, a record-breaking figure for this point in any election cycle following the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling.
The report showed that Democrat-friendly groups received about $84.5 million from undisclosed sources, while their Republican counterparts pulled in just over $74 million. Undesignated groups, referred to as ‘others,’ accounted for a comparatively small $2.4 million in political expenditure. OpenSecrets highlights a trend of Democrat groups consistently receiving more support from anonymous donors since the 2018 election cycle.
Federal law demands that SuperPACs disclose their benefactors. However, 501(c)(4) nonprofits, often referred to as social welfare organizations, are not legally bound to reveal their donors. Consequently, these nonprofits can funnel donations to political committees and make independent expenditures of their own, effectively enabling the influx of untraceable funds into politics.
Regarding specific organizations, Americans for Prosperity Action, backed by the neo-liberal Koch network, was identified as the top recipient of dark money contributions in 2023, having received $25 million. On the political left, Senate Majority PAC — which seeks to expand the Democrat Senate majority accepted over $16.7 million, the highest amongst Democrat-friendly groups. At the same time, its Republican equivalent, the Senate Leadership Fund, reported just $6.2 million in dark money donations.
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