

by Eric Peters, The Burning Platform:

The Church Lady on Saturday Night Live – this was back when it was still funny – used to say: Could it be Satan? Which was funny, the way Dana Carvey – who played the Church Lady – said it. And looked when he said it.

There is nothing funny about the pushing of drugs by politically powerful corporations, who have acquired political power by purchasing it. They employ politicians, who are paid to be their pushers – who are a species far worse than the individuals who merely sell drugs on the street. These are slandered as “pushers,” but are nothing of the sort. No one ever “pushed” marijuana or any other street drug on me and probably not you, either. They offered them and we were free to buy them, if we wanted to. This is a far cry from what the pushers of pharmaceutical drugs do. Which is to actually and actively push them on people – including people who have made it quite clear they’re not the least interested in taking them – as during the event marketed as a “pandemic.”


Most loathsome of all is the pushing of drugs on children – on babies – who have no say in the matter at all. A baby is born in a hospital and almost as soon as it is out of its mother’s body, it is injected with drugs. This is done as a matter-of-course and attended (if needed) with great guilt-tripping if the parents are “hesitant.”

Having successfully pushed some drugs on parents – and into babies and children – the drug pushing has increased almost unimaginably. According to Informed Choice USA, a baby born in the early 1960s got 3-5 “vaccines” – as these drugs are now slyly styled. By 1983, this had increased to 24 doses. By 2018, the number of doses had increased to 72.

The drugs pushed include “flu” shots – which used to be pushed on the elderly only, because it was once understood that the flu presented almost no serious risk to people in the prime of life. Ergo, no need to take the drugs being pushed if you weren’t elderly. But there’s not much money in health and so it is important to persuade people of all ages they are in constant danger of getting sick – and here’s the cure for that.

Never mind that it doesn’t work.

Well, take that back. It does work. They all work. In a different way. They work to increase the profits of the pharmaceutical cartels who make (and push) these drugs on people who don’t need them. Who are hectored that they must have their kids as well as themselves regularly injected with them. Else they are very bad people. They are “anti-vaxxers” and it isn’t far from there to rounding up such dangerous people – as almost did in fact happen during the event that was marketed as a “pandemic.”

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