Blood transfusions from COVID-vaccinated people are contaminated and carry risks, warn Japanese researchers


by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

A team of Japanese researchers analyzed blood transfusions taken from individuals who were previously inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines. The researchers found that experimental COVID-19 vaccines destroy the continuity and biochemistry of human blood in six key areas. The vaccine damage is so significant; the contaminated blood can further damage unvaccinated and vaccinated people who receive blood transfusions or organ transplants from the vaccinated. The researchers published a pre-print paper on their findings and make suggestions for specific tests, testing methods and regulations to help deal with these risks.


Now the researchers are sounding the alarm about serious risks associated with using blood from people inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines. They are calling on the global medical community to put an end to these products.

“The health injuries caused by genetic vaccination are already extremely serious, and it is high time that countries and relevant organizations take concrete steps together to identify the risks and to control and resolve them,” the researchers wrote.

Six areas of blood contamination caused by COVID-19 vaccines

There are six key areas of blood contamination from vaccinated blood that researchers are concerned about:

One: Spike protein contamination

All covid-19 vaccines are designed to hijack the normal protein synthesis of the cell and transcribe foreign spike proteins that are modeled after the original SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon. The vaccine manufacturers originally promised that the spike protein would be quickly neutralized in the deltoid muscles; however, researchers have documented the persistence of the spike proteins in the blood and their accumulation in distal organs. Therefore, these spike proteins have exhibited various toxicities, including cardio-toxic effects on red blood cells, platelet aggregation and amyloid formation. Blood products derived from these vaccines should be purified to remove all spike protein cardio-toxins.

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Two: Amyloid aggregates and microthrombi formed by spike proteins

In some cases, the human immune system does not neutralize the spike proteins that are generated by the COVID-19 vaccines. This allows the spike protein to persist and cause further adverse reactions. These reactions may include the formation of amyloid aggregates and microthrombi. Once these amyloid aggregates are formed, they are not easily cleared and pose further health issues throughout the body. To ensure that blood products and organ transplants are safe, these amyloid aggregates must also be cleared from the contaminated blood.

Low levels of immunoglobulins

Multiple doses of COVID-19 vaccines prime the human immune system for failure through antibody dependent enhancement. Blood donated from heavily-vaccinated individuals may provide inadequate levels of immunity to common infections due to immune imprinting or class switch to IgG4. In these cases, a blood donor with an impaired immune system may spread sub-clinical infectious disease to the blood recipient. Healthcare professionals must now use caution to prevent infection and further harm to immune-compromised individuals due to tainted blood transfusions and organs derived from vaccinated individuals.

Lipid nanoparticles and pseudouridinated mRNA

The mRNA vaccines use lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and pseudouridinated mRNA that can linger in the blood long after injection. Healthcare professionals must be cautious when using blood from recently vaccinated individuals. A sufficient deferral period should be observed after vaccination to ensure that blood recipients are not receiving transfusions that still contain lipid nanoparticles. The LNPs are inflammatory and may cause thrombogenic reactions. Moreover, the pseudouridinated mRNA, encapsulated by the LNPs, may cause runaway spike protein synthesis in random areas of the body.

Aggregated red blood cells

A contaminated blood product may contain aggregated red blood cells or platelets. This is one of the side effects of the spike protein. If these aren’t removed before a transfusion, a blood or organ recipient could suffer blood clots and other cardiovascular events.

Memory B cells generating IgG4

The long-term exposure to specific antigens (the vaccine’s spike protein) can cause immunoglobulins to become IgG4 antibodies. Furthermore, this overexposure to an identical antigen can force some B cells to differentiate into memory B cells that circulate in the body for a sustained period. The influx of IgG4-positive plasma cells can cause chronic inflammation. This can cause immune dysfunction over a longer period of time.

The COVID-19 vaccines not only harm the recipient, but they can also transfer problems to blood and organ recipients. Individuals who once vaccinated for the “good of all” have only tainted the blood supply of the human race — putting vulnerable people in harm’s way.

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